
Gawker has done some shitty things. It’s also done some serious journalism. And both of those points are irrelevant. What’s happened is a travesty. It is horrifying and frightening that one person can shut down a news outlet. I’m sorry this is happening.

My Twitter handle would dox me. But I'll lurk on #twinja. I'll just talk out loud to the screen. It's sorta like being in the grays.

I’m a bit flabbergasted... so relieved that Jez lives on. I personally wasn’t crazy about the rehauled Gawker but still. It’s kind of the end of an era, isn’t it..

I don’t even know what to do with the idea of Jezebel being gone.

Even if they can’t, I’ve often felt that Jezebel was not only a feminist equivalent to Gawker, but oftentimes a better version of it. I especially liked comparing the two sites when they both covered a breaking political or societal story, and while Gawker was usually good, Jezebel is usually better.

Pretty sure Hillary knows that...

Well, if Jezebel is also going down, at least it’s going down with a bang.

Then you may want to research the history of the term “Uncle Tom”.

I am commenting for the first time ever on a Jezebel post (even though I’m a long time reader) because I am CRYING over this paragraph:

I was just laughing at the other swimmers being like “It was all Lochte’s idea!” Fair enough, bros, but if we’re honest, you get what you deserve when you accept Ryan Lochte as your idea man.

Fuck Ryan Lochte, WE MISS YOU EGR!!!!

Hi Erin! Welcome back.. The place burned down while you were gone. I don’t think Ryan Lochte had anything to do with it, but I can’t be sure.

I’ve always known Ryan was dumb. Like, properly stupid. But not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that he could bring about a full-blown international incident based solely on the sheer intergalactic power of his stupidity.


One time I accidentally ate a bunch of pot brownies and thought I was going crazy. I swore I saw a cat chasing a rabbit with a little dog chasing the cat, only I was at my brother’s house and he didn’t have a rabbit or a cat, just a stupid little dog. I assumed for weeks that I was just high as balls and imagined the

You misunderstand! Stop publishing all this nonsense. He just meant her body should be riddled with bullets until she’s not longer alive! God. Clickbait.

Comedy Central hears you and will be going to a Tosh.0 24/7 format.


Tim Kaine is the only person in America having fun this election year.

Can Biebs himself be deactivated?