
When I was in high school the fights between girls were always the most brutal. And if it wasn’t a physical fight it was terrible bullying that was also brutal. The myth that girls are supposed to be gentler, kinder, weaker than men hurts teenagers a lot. This is just a theory but I think some girls have so much anger

The ordinary, every-day kind.

Was going to say “too soon” and then realized you didn’t mean Hogan.

The breaking of unions is one of the saddest and most reprehensible things to happen in this country. Decades of propaganda have left unions with a bad reputation, and yet they are frequently the first line of defense against abuse. The dirtier and less respected the job, the more desperately the workers need

Other than not voting for a cat-piss filled whoopee cushion, what can one do to help?

YES. As far as living in a little bubble, I really admire a lot of my fellow millenial’s passion about income inequality, but it frequently feels like the income inequality they’re talking about is the erasure of the middle class... which is important! Student loans do matter! But this is also a country where a

I like to imagine that his team keeps destroying all of his iPhones so he can’t tweet, but Trump keeps hiding them in random places like taped under desks and buried inside a flower pot.

I’m just trying to imagine the person who would read this and then feel the need to make a comment explaining “that’s not how it *really* is, here’s the actuality of the situation!”... Who is that person? How can they be so naive, so lacking in empathy, so closeminded, so ignorant? It’s just hard for me to imagine,

Sorry but what type of just world is this that ppl like Donald Trump are still alive and Prince is dead? I don’t wish anyone dead but like...

Chevrolet’s tribute:

HAS THE WHOLE WORLD GONE CRAZY?!?! Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules?

“I learned later that the wealthy, Wall Street, the banks—they all get to break the rules. But us, the poor, the people of color—we don’t”

Thank you for writing this article. Not only do the wealthy and powerful get to break the rules, but a lot of us get to stay inside a safe perspective bubble where the most pressing crises are student loans, hookup culture, millennial philosophizing, etc. Real problems, sure, but made more dire because we don’t often

Thank you for not only sharing this with us, but for fighting the good fight. So many of us have no idea what is happening in our country. I have at times straddled both worlds as a finance attorney to the people who hold all the power in this world, and as an affordable housing attorney now. And it is incredible how

Before some assholes come in here and mansplain/whitesplain all over this, I just want to say I loved this essay.

Good information. I had no idea BET was run by a white man and the Crypt Keeper.

I’ve known people from Ohio who I swore must have been from Georgia or the Florida panhandle. I’m not sure what’s going on with Ohio. Or Illinois—I’ve met people from certain rural parts of Illinois with that same sort of accent.

And seriously, one TBS is enough.

No. They never stop whining.

DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ? Are you insane? The one woman Democrat who’s more widely despised than Clinton?