
Patti’s ‘Rose’s Turn’ was a thing of beauty. I saw her do it on Broadway too—in Isotoners, no less, because she’d injured her foot—and yes, all the Mamas have their pluses, but Patti really brought something quite new to the big number. I grew up listening to Tyne Daly, and love it; I was cautious about Bernadette’s

Anyone reading out there who has never listened to Gypsy, DO NOT HESITATE. It’s considered by many to be the single most perfect book musical of all time. It’s so freaking fabulous–inspiring, moving, disturbing, complex, funny, entertaining, and what a score! It’s got it all, AND it’s all about women. The women are


That tweet in absolutely no way blames Sanders for the shooting. It points out that he favors protecting gun manufacturers from litigation by people like the parents of the children killed at Sandy Hook, who might want to sue those manufacturers after their children were killed by their product. In no way AT ALL does

So when you say “blamed him for the Sandy Hook shooting”, you mean like when she called him “quote en-quote unqualified”.

Which is to say she didn’t do either of those things.

She didn’t blame him for Sandy Hook, she called him out for not supporting the position of Sandy Hook survivors. Context for the clip: After Sanders said in his NY Daily News interview that he didn’t support the idea that gun makers be held liable for massacres like Sandy Hook, the daughter of the Sandy Hook principal

At this point, I feel the same way about Bernie that I do about Jesus: nice guy, but some of the shit people are getting up to (ostensibly) on his behalf really puts me off.

Interesting point, and I don’t really know how to get any actual data on this, but I have had the same experience. Every Hillary supporter I know (and I include myself in this) seems to be approaching this election from an incredibly pragmatic view. We want a good president, we want a Democrat, we think she is better

I wish I could like this more. I very slightly favor Hillary, but I’d be perfectly fine with Bernie... I just wish each candidate and all their supporters would KNOW WHO THE REAL ENEMY IS. I get so fucking anxious when they (and, sorry, mostly Bernie, which makes me very sad because it was such a great campaign for

The whole Iraq criticism really bothers me because it’s really easy for us to criticize in 2016 forgetting how thing were in 2003 reeling from 9/11 in 2001. Lets blame who was really at fault for Iraq, the Bush Administration.

It’s like they’re seeing what is going on with the GOP, how they are imploding at a spectacular speed turning on eachother like rabid dogs, and think to themselves, “Huh, I think we need some of that right there!”

Ok, so I had a bunch of white people telling me how minorities should vote for Bernie because he’s obviously so good for us and why can’t we just realise that??!!

I like this one

oh look someone made a visual representation of every soon to be comment thread here

I’m still mad about this. I don’t watch the reruns anymore either.

Yeah, Robin started out independent and funny with endearing neuroses and insecurities, and by the end of the show she had become a really mean, vain person who intentionally caused drama wherever she went. Maybe the show was making her awful and unlikable to groom her for awful, unlikable Ted.

and to be honest the whole "I start caring about women because i wanna protect my daughter against men like me" is shady as hell, like the woman need to be related to him for him to start treating women like actual people?

I can promise you they filmed the ending in 2006. They had a spoof video as publicity for the last season featuring the same actors and they look totally different.

Robin can't have kids, so they couldn't have knocked her up. Barney had already achieved redemption through Robin. I hated his regression and I hated his "redemption" — the redemption he'd earned over the last 3 years so much more satisfying.

I haven't been this pissed off since Roseanne. I said as much last night while throwing my remote to the other side of the room in temper. It's like they fed us this big epic love story. This love that we were all waiting to see unfold, and make everything worth it. It was supposed to be a story about how life can