Buck Dharma Initiative

They seem to be putting on a better show than anyone could possibly have expected - but I saw them in 1991 from the 2nd row. No concert will ever top that - nearly 3 hours of in-your-face, kickass rock and roll - so I don't really think I'd want to see them now.

When I was 15 I rejected the advances of a 12 year old girl that had a huge crush on me, because 12 was way too young for me even at 15. Met her again years later when she was in her 20s - she was a 12 on a scale of 1 to 10 and had no interest in me whatsoever.

EVeryone should watch The Man Who Would Be King 4 times a week. It's the best action-adventure film of all time!

Great White Buffalo is one of the best hard rock songs ever written.

There's multiple reasons to use auto tune. I've read of producers auto tuning a particularly difficult passage because it can help a vocalist to double that track and hit it just right. Also note that auto tune can't fix really shitty vocals - for example, I tried to auto tune myself and the tool was utterly

I'm going to start calling him Kurt Shudder.

That's my prediction.

The correct answer is Micheal Stipe.

I actually thought he did better on the Johnson stuff than the Scott stuff. Not that the older stuff is terrible - frankly I was really impressed that it wasn't a complete train wreck, let alone good enough that I listened to all the tracks I could find.

Early 20s, but close enough.

When people ask me, I always tell them that Mrs. Initiative was a groupie for my band. It's not strictly true (she was dating my sound guy when we got together), but it's a better, less boring story than the truth.

The "thinking about baseball" one always makes me shake my head at people that like baseball. It's like exactly the opposite of sex so why would anyone enjoy such a thing?

It can be 4 things.

That word is going through this weird sort of transition (or at least the n***a variation of the word is). I cringe every time someone from my kids' generation uses it, but it carries absolutely none of that baggage for them. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. (Or, you know, two things.)

Checked out your comment history; decided it's best to just ignore you.

The sole flaw? I think you're forgetting the inherent racism in Marty inventing Chuck Berry's style.

I would think/hope Dave Mustaine's signature would lower the value of an item.

Turns out the way to date Natalie Dormer is not to make her walk naked through the city while people throw shit at her. The High Sparrow knows what he's doing.

Unsurprisingly for the AV Club there's no mention of Volbeat's new album, which drops on the 3rd. Their last album debuted at #9 on the Billboard 200, but you know, why cover a pretty successful band that isn't comprised of shoegazing neckbeards, right AV Club?