Buck Dharma Initiative

Well, that went…somewhere.

I guess I'll just agree to disagree, rather than insult you.

What Gawker did to him was pretty sh1tty, but it's still worrying when a billionaire decides to use his fortune to bring down a media outlet he doesn't like.

As I said, I didn't read anything in that article that wasn't pretty standard libertarianism out side of the quote about women voting. Given that, I have no real desire to read more of his stuff, since libertarianism, in my opinion, is not a workable system.

I read the whole article that the above quote comes from. It's mostly pretty standard libertarian stuff, which I don't subscribe to. And his assertion that women getting the vote led to a massive expansion of government is pretty misogynistic and, frankly, absurd (and he didn't make any point about said expansion

BOC's Nosferatu would make a great soundtrack to its namesake film.

"I stand against…the ideology of the inevitability of the death of every individual." So, he thinks not everyone has to die?

That and the whole higher power thing turned me off to AA. I just stopped drinking and driving and that's worked out so far.

I thought the early medical marijuana stuff (in California especially) set the cause back, too. If your "medical facility" has Grateful Dead posters on the wall, beads curtains in the doorways and an orange couch with no legs for seating, you're really not fooling anyone that you're there for medicine.

You, of all people, should know that it can be two things

It seems to me that this goes hand in hand with AA's whole "you're a drunk and will always be a drunk no matter what and the only way to not drink is to work the program" thing.

But you can make everything from rope to cars to spare kidneys with hemp!

I, too, am pro-legalization, etc., but the pro-pot folks can make you want to choke them occasionally.

You can still find it, though. I burned a copy on video CD a few years back.

Record scratch.

It's 15 on the original studio version. Not much of an improvement, though.

That second one's got good taste.

When it comes to rape, though, false accusations are exceedingly rare. What's generally considered to be the most comprehensive study puts the number around 2% and that study still has the caveat that the cops often will call an accusation false just because there's no evidence to support it.

In Ted Nugent's autobiography (which I couldn't read all the way through), he constantly rags on "smelly hippies" that are losers because they do drugs - and then talks about all the terrible struggles that Joe Perry went through because of his disease of addiction.