Buck Dharma Initiative

I can login just fine, but I never got the “Allow Kinja to access my Disqus account” page/button/whatever it was. Will my comments get moved over?

I followed the instructions, but doing so didn’t result in what the instructions said they would and now I’m lost my commenting history. Fuck you, Kinja!

Did you just imply that not getting an Oscar "can hit much harder than jail time"?

That is the problem with Maher. He equates "culture in some (OK, maybe many) Muslim communities" with "Islam". They're not the same thing. The problem I have is when claiming there are problems with the "culture in some Muslim communities" immediately gets labelled as Islamophobic, which happens all too often.

Are you referring to the Secret Service bodyguards, or the members of Hitler's SS that Trump has hired as his private security?

The funny thing is, I usually hate that type of song, but I love that one.

I've only found it on youtube.

It's one of the only shows who's credits I'll watch after the first two or three episodes.

This season just feels off. There's nothing I'm particularly invested in any more. Maybe they should just go completely off the rails and have Alison get pregnant again with ????'s baby. Or maybe that guy that use to work at (own?) the restaurant who was Evil Incarnate in the first season and who she's now best

Example: Duck Dynasty guys.

Being in the upper middle class and being white trash are not really mutually exclusive.

I can confirm this, as I had to work the weekend the executive branch switched over to iPhones, which was late last year or early this year. Anyone using an iPhone couldn't get access to email due to an issue with the product I support.

I love "The Unpleasant Profession of Johnathan Hoag". I need to re-read that soon.

Yes, but Daryl wasn't even close to broken and that was obvious, yet they were willing to let him into the inner circle and all he had to say was "Negan." The smart move on Daryl's part would have been to pretend that he was, in fact, broken and use that to find a way to escape and/or exact revenge.

I paused the show to ask the wife why Daryl didn't just do that.

My band used to do "Bitch School" back in the early 90s. The girls in the audience always loved it.

I am a huge snob when it comes to silverware. If you can bend a fork or spoon with your bare hands, I refer to it as "welfare silverware" and won't have it in the house - we were low on silverware once and my wife got a bunch of cheap silverware from her brother for us to use. We went out and bought new silverware

As someone that's been the third person (in my defense, I guess, I was 17 at the time), MLA is right - unless you know unequivocally that the relationship is open, you're a jerk.

I'm old, so I actually remember watching the very first SNL. A friend and I used to watch 'The Weekend Tonight Show' which was a best-of version of Carson that NBC used to run at 11:30 on Satudays before SNL started. We were initially disappointed that Carson wasn't on, but that disappointment only last a couple of

You might want to look up the lyrics…