
You can already watch this movie on Amazon on Demand. Ten bucks for a 2 day rental, though. Considering shelling out for it during the next lazy night at home.

I should not have read this while eating lunch. What's the female version of emasculation?

@zerofritz: It's the harness, isn't it? No one ever said Magneto knew how to accessorize.

@JennaW: logged in to say exactly this.

Bees are gone. Birds are gone. I can only draw one of two illogical conclusions:

That was like the worst piece of fan fiction ever turned into a video game.

@ladypeyton: I like Daryl too (largely because I have a soft spot for Norman Reedus ), but he really does just feel tacked on right now since all he does is attempt to hit people with whatever is lying around and get restrained. I suppose he also gets to hit doors with axes too, but that's a recent development. He's

@Burke: Yeah, that's exactly what I'm afraid of. The Governor looked extra vile and unhinged due largely to his zombie daughter. Having him end up being Merle will be a major disappointment. I can see Daryl living long enough to go against Merle to save the group, though.

Goddammit. Where did I put my pitchfork? Someone bring me my torch. Mob forms to the left.

Liked: the Jenner character's line of reasoning and submission to the inevitable, the drunken montage and stupidity involved therein (showing that humans can't exist in a constant state of walking death), the end tone of the episode where everyone's last hope literally explodes. Great way to set the table for a harsh

Cut to long shot of poisonous lake, slowly creep, zooming closer and closer to the water.

Have they tried these experiments with blind people instead of just blindfolded individuals? It could be a function of lack of depth perception or perception of imbalance in a sighted individual that causes them to attempt to involuntarily compensate and veer off course.

The Swords of Night and Day by David Gemmell. His books shaped my youth. That one (being the last in the Drenai Saga) was a bit of a mess and just didn't sit well with me as the 'ending' to that particular world of characters. I skip it every time I re-read that saga. I miss your works, Mr. Gemmell.

Looking forward to only having to make my Sims bathe once a

Remember the Black & White miracle gestures that never really seemed to work right? That's what excites me about something like the Kinect. Instead of clumsily waving a wand or mouse, you can make full hand motions to cast spells. A dungeon crawler where you can cast a fireball by making some kind of Doctor Strange

Like most, I've had my share of terrible roommates. Over the years, I've thought that each one was the worst, but then it's always the worst when you're currently living in that situation. In retrospect, my Freshman year roommate was probably the worst of the lot.

Another huge change to a long-standing status quo that someone will eventually have to clean up after Morrison has his fun. At least this one will be easier to script: RealBruceWayne42 tweets "hey folks JK about that Batman funding lol"

I've always had a problem with the idea of a time 'machine'. I think this is one instance where technology fails the sci-fi concept. I don't think this is a physics problem that will be effectively solved through application of technology that "creates" time travel.

This book was really difficult to read for me. I filed it under old-school purple prose. While the subject matter is obviously very modern, most of the paragraphs felt so beautifully descripted, so flowery that they made me feel like I was reading something from the 1800s. It really took me away from the plot more

Another hit for NBC. Just knocking them out of the park lately, aren't you, National Broadcasting Company. This makes me feel a little better that they rejected my treatment of Kafka's "A Hunger Artist" as a sitcom.