
He ate it; the entire world.

The problem with trying to predict AI behavior is that it will be a type of intelligence that we can't comprehend. Not because our brains are complex machines that binary code can't mimic and thus we will be different at the basest level. Not because the AI must develop insanity before it can develop sanity. Simply

Why didn't the scientists just study Turbofrog? Or is that too obscure?

Dr. Mindbender is by far the greatest Cobra back story ever. He was an orthodontist. He went from an orthodontist to monocle wearing, abs and suspenders + cape, mustachioed supervillain. That is one goddamn heavy transition. And he got there by way of his invention to relieve pain during dental procedures. It

This series started off with Arthurian legend and then flashed forward to ... what? Dystopian western? Magical cowboy? Future of humanity? It pretty much hit every light sci-fi/light fantasy genre note that I could think of. God, I miss Gemmell.

Dear WB/DC

Dear WB. Give me the script writing opportunity. I'll turn it into the Justice League version of The Wire. Batman will be Omar. You can spin it off into a TV series afterward which follows some supers and some normals, with each season set in a different city. I'll only charge you $20.

Due to the expense and time for traveling, I prefer getting together with my family during Christmas time, leaving me to navigate Thanksgiving on my own. I'm tired of buying thanksgiving dinner, but I also don't want to make so much food that it will just go to waste. Is there a good combination of

In my theory, that wasn't Kristen Stewart's body, she was actually inside of Joan Jett like Sam Beckett in Quantum Leap. We'll see how she does in On the Road, though.

I feel like Kristen Stewart always plays the same character. She had the same range in Snow White as she did in The Cake Eaters as she did in Twilight. Since this is io9, my theory is now that all Kristen Stewart movies take place in the same universe, just at different points in history.

The bit about police presence and nice windows doesn't go far enough. One of the major changes going into the 1990s was the concept of police *involvement*. More cops in the community. When cops are in their cars, the windows stay rolled down, encouraging people to approach and engage them. When cops are walking a

An easy trick I've used to make third person omniscient work better (from a 'comedy' perspective anyway), is to write only dialogue on the first draft. Sort of like some artists will frame out a drawing by sketching the frame of a scene first. With most of my writing, dialogue ends up being the major framework of

It's not so much the power level as the humanity behind the power. Thor was turned into a human to get him down to the relatable plane of characters, then given his powers back. Loki, even though he's a god, was shown as a strange mishmash of powerful and weak, but most of his shows of power were rife with extended

DC is going to have a hard time with this no matter what. The Marvel pantheon is anchored by heroes that are almost woefully human and who largely exist locally, not universally. Tony Stark is a drunk, Thor's very origin as a Marvel hero involves his being forced to become human, Spider-man is just a kid, the nature

Got my 360 on launch day in one of those overpriced bundles. It still works. Everything is original, even the crummily small hard drive that's been full since about a year after I got it. I've considered buying one of those new-fangled ones with hard drives capable of storing more than a smattering of LIVE games

Not sure the timeline really adds up for Otis to have been able to wrangle Sophia. Carl was shot within days of Sophia disappearing (two days? three tops?), at least from the piss poor way the show tracks time. Darryl found evidence that she was okay (presumably as there was no blood in that pantry he found her

This seems oddly timely. Tranströmer was just awarded the Nobel lit prize - here's one of his more touching poems:

Don't really think you can say much of anything without a head, Ned. You're welcome to sit there and quietly bleed in anticipation, though.

Damn, those were better than mine. Oh well, at least I can still break the news that Michael Ironside will actually be playing Cable.

The new director candidate for the Wolverine movie is actually the Coen brothers, not Hooper. Their graphic depictions of the parallels between good and evil will play well to Hugh Jackman's snarling every-man (mutant) and the shadowy nature of The Hand.