
Cool, it's like a rocket pack for your wrist. I'd be willing to pay a couple hundred for it, let's see how much it is ... $158,000??????? Sorry, wrist, no rocket pack for you.

Moon Knight would probably make the best solo hero show for Marvel TV - no flashy powers, few villains that would require a lot of make up, very little mythos to keep up with after the first couple of episodes. Except for the fact that I'm sure they'd bring in some pretty male lead who couldn't act with a single

@softfocus: Same here. Can't wait for the series and blew through the Compendium like it was a short story. Wish the next compendium would hurry up and get here (but wish the TV series would get here sooner!)

Review edited for commercials:

Nice. South Plainfield, NJ represent. I spent most of my life trying to get out of that town, though. I'm not going back once I'm dead.

I've already got a goatee. So that means I'm the evil one? I can live with this.

She's Out of My League was surprisingly funny. Every lame joke I expected to be there was absent. Every gratuitous nude scene I put odds on before starting the film was nowhere to be seen. I was expecting a crap raunch fest, but it was actually sort of a dude's rom-com where, for once, only one of the people in the

I exchanged my first phone. It had worked fine the first ten hours but suddenly would no longer do anything other than reboot if plugged into a computer or go into emergency call mode if plugged into the wall. Got fed up with the Apple support group repeatedly having me try to do a restore on various computers.


I discovered another downside of that glass back, but thankfully it didn't result in disaster (this time) since I'd already had to exchange a DOA unit.

@shauntacular: Can't decide if that disturbs me more than the idea of getting kissed by someone with tentacles for lips. Batman needs to keep his filthy mitts to himself - no one wants to know about NAMB-JLA.

That's nice and all, but I really don't have much affection for the old ones. I'd rather not kiss them. If I could just find a girl that doesn't mind Batman kisses (stealth kiss attacks that may or may not involve a judo throw or a smoke bomb)....

I just picked up a bunch of stuff, thanks for the tip io9. It is worth noting for anyone that likes pristine copies of their TPBs that these are bargain bin books and are thus a bit marked up or otherwise imperfect. But who cares! New stuff to read for less than the price of one comic book!

Unbreakable 2 with Bruce reprising his role as the hero and Bradley Cooper as his new nemesis: Prettyboy McFratguy. The twist at the end is that Bruce has been the villain all along and Cooper's character isn't actually a douche.

Glad I held off on buying one of these. However, I also held off on buying a lot of new books that I normally would have, but thought "why pack them when I can put them on an e-reader". So now whatever money I saved by waiting will go directly to all of these books I've been wanting to read.

This was my favorite vehicle from the original Star Wars action figure runs (yes, even above the MF). I might have to save some pennies for this one.

Yeah, but if you belch, you restore gravity to yourself, right Dr. Wonka?

Smurf these smurfin' smurfbags right in the smurf.

States should be forced to choose their execution method based in part on a theme from their state. Like Vermont must give people the option of being trampled by cows, drowned in Ben & Jerry's, or thrown down a ski slope until dead. Arizona has to throw people into the Grand Canyon. Alaska straps them to the front

I watch two new movies (recent DVD releases) per week. I don't think I've rated one of them above two stars (out of five) in months. I keep getting the feeling of "I've been here in this story's world before." I just can't shake it. The same is happening to my TV experience.