@SenorKaffee: No, that wasn't the publisher that was taking an eternity. Everyone is still awaiting book 5.
@SenorKaffee: No, that wasn't the publisher that was taking an eternity. Everyone is still awaiting book 5.
I can't wait for this series. That trailer sure makes it look uh ... goth/supernatural?
"Oh hi little shark with your Jimmy Durante schnoz, how are you tod-"
I just don't think anyone in Hollywood can pull off a Fantastic Four movie without a dramatic re-imagining. The Thing is going to look hokey no matter what you do to him. Invisible Woman requires either a) removing the only woman in the film from the screen for entire scenes or b) having her wave her hand and look…
I've had the same pair of nail clippers since I was a child. They have never failed me and have yet to show any sign of rust or real wear. They will clip any nail I throw at them. I had thought I'd lost them once and bought a new pair from CVS. I might as well have paid a homeless man (you know the guy where you…
@Wolfsheim: Figures Aquaman would be trying to slap Namor. What a ponce.
@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): I contend that there was no greater toy in the history of consumerism. They transformed into rocks. They were robots you could use to brain the kid down the street that kept trying to steal the Go-bots that actually turned into vehicles.
I was skeptical when I saw that the Voice and Aftonbladet were trying to run with this story, but MTV3 completely legitimizes the rumor. I can only guess that no one told King Henrik that he has to wait until she's married to assume his right of primae noctis.
I have to say that, right now, I agree with him, though I expect video games to reach a level of art within my lifetime. The problem that video games have in the realm of art is that they suffer from a lack of defining medium - their delivery of message is so complicated that it understandably will take a very long…
What the hell does the guy that wrote Heat need with a new car? Isn't he still getting royalties from every guy aged 18-50 that screams "She's got a grrrreat ass!" every time they walk by a chick that indeed has a great ass?
Kids in the forest: "Care Bears Countdown! It's time for the Care Bears Stare!"
I'm ready to flip over a Chevy Caprice here in Richmond if they manage to make it to the sweet 16.
Wow, they're still taunting Willie O'Ree in Montreal? Leave the poor guy alone, it's been 50 years.
@Blast it, Biggs: I was thinking he could convince Elin to do an Ebony and Ivory duet.
@MattinglysSideburns: +1 BTE reference
Where's the car dealers saying "if you own one of these recalled Toyotas, come trade it for one of our cars at full value of your loan!"? This seems like the perfect opportunity for the vultures to swoop in and wrestle headlines away from the (former?) media darling.
I really liked the concept of this show. I didn't enjoy Season 1 much and I certainly didn't enjoy any season thereafter, but the concept of it made me keep watching until I finally didn't have the time to waste an hour of my life anymore.
Well, considering the website that's posted on is devoted to shirtless men popping muscle poses, I'm afraid I have to call shenanigans and declare this viral marketing in favor of Deadspin. I guess we'll know once Ipumpironmen and sixpackfudge start dropping comments asking which post the circle jerk is located in.
This was a fantastic article and a great use of the sketchy Gawker picture gallery feature. Thank you for the work and step-by-steps that you put into it. Any chance that we can get a look at what happens when you run into a panel that registers a 7 or 8 on the PITAQ scale? I'm just curious how frustrating panel…