
Is it horrible and reprehensible that I immediately went to ‘false flag’ on this?

The Economist’s new cover:

I gotcha covered.

Huge straws, right? World-class straws! Best straws anywheres!!!!

I’ve been unable to post photos on Kinja, but let’s pretend there is one below this message of someone desperately GRASPING AT STRAWS.

SERIOUSLY!!?? WHAT THE FU************K?

“You see, we like our Nazis in uniform. That way we can spot ‘em. Just like that.”

Listen, if there’s any positive thing to come out of this election it’s that these people are coming forward and identifying themselves. What we gotta do now is wait til the election is over, find these people, tag their ears, and notify the general public that those who are tagged are not to be trusted as teachers,

Hello Gawker my old friend.

There’s a huge anti-science contingent on the far left and (used to be only far, now mainstream) right. Matt Drudge is, right this second, telling his readers that the severity of Hurricane Matthew is being deliberately made to look worse by the government to, uh, prove climate change? And therefore “they” are faking

I’m a redhead so that diet would kill me.

This is an extreme version of something I see among a lot of the women I know, where they force their food hang ups onto their kids. Usually it’s just like, being gluten free when there is no indication for it. Or putting kids on whole 30. I think this sort of orothexia by proxy is more widespread than people think.

“She was going to live on water and sunlight.”

Cotillard is a gross 9/11 truther nutbag. I care less about the cheating than about his choice of partner. Yuck.

“Lover” does seem like a perfectly good gender-neutral term.

There is a movement in the media to stop using the word ‘mistress’ since there is no male equivalent and it reinforces traditional ideas about gender relationships. I’m usually not picky about things but it would be cool if Jez could be a leader in this area and simply referred to her as an alleged lover.

This was such a sad attempt to stir shit among female entertainers.

Accountability is key here, ladies. Someone should apologize for such a rushed, click-seeking article. I thought Jezebel was supposed to be about more than scruntizing a 1 second cutaway of someone’s face.

Yeah, tacking that on at the end really doesn’t fix it. If you had any sense you’d take this bullshit down completely.

I’m sorry, Stassa, but this article basically amounts to, “Smile, it can’t be that bad.”