
You know what? White people, if you want dreads knock yourself the fuck out and go get them. You want cornrows because Kylie has them and they’re cute? Cool. Call them whatever the fuck you want to call them. KIM K signature braids? Awesome. Black hairstyles are functional for me because I do not have two to three

Those same 24 year olds will occasionally write articles about what older women should or should not be wearing, and why. To which I always comment: wait ‘til you get to be the same age as Madonna, then see how you feel about a recent college grad less than half your age telling you how to act, speak, and dress. Then


Marc Jacobs has been copying Angel Barta for 7 years. He is a manipulator. He wants to control everyone. Read the truth here.

He’s a stupid person. He was very very fortunate to have a very smart, hard working business partner, Robert Duffy.


I get outraged about all sorts of cultural appropriation but what I see above are lame honkey hippie dreads that I’ve seen for years. I just came for the Angel.

Maybe I know one too many hippies, but this is so not new.

She’s like a premature ejaculation Beetelgeuse — you really only need to say Marc Jacobs ONCE..

Marc Jacobs has been copying a young designer named Angel Barta for 7 years. He is a manipulator. He wants to control everyone. Read the truth here.

I’m only disappointed in these never-ending incorrectly interpreted fashion posts, is that there is barely any sense of history, any sense of deep knowledge, of what these individual designers are doing. Not understanding a designer’s, e.g. Jacobs, way of designing and using past personal references in club and art

Thank you. It’s cute how the 24 year olds writing this bullshit think they actually know anything.

I don’t think this is one of those fights people should start. Doing the cultural appropriation or “we invented that, you can’t use it” angle is going to result in some pretty hurt feelings with African Americans. As in “Hey, you can’t do that, we invented baggy jeans.”

When I saw Marc Jacobs trending on Twitter I IMMEDIATELY thought of Angel and rushed here to see if she would appear! I bet you she once posted a picture of herself with rainbow-coloured dreads and he totally just stole her look!

exactly. no one would have been talking about this today if he kept his mouth shut. it would have been a story on black twitter for like 4 hours and never mentioned again. what a fucking idiot

In the mid-80s, around the time Jacobs was working at Charivari and being a club kid, there was a trend of hair extension weaves in the clubs. It came over from London and the “Hard Times” look promulgated by Vivienne Westwood and others (as seen on Boy George, Hayzee Fantayzee, and other groups of that moment). They

Only reason I clicked on this post.

Yesssssss!! The conspiracy lives on!!

I’m optimistic she’ll show!

Was so happy to see the headline! Missed her.