
Link?Let me guess...Azov battalion news sector. :)Or the same Ukrainian news organisations that said the major defeat in Debaltceve was a ...tactical withdrawal.:)

The Russians fight ISIS enough.You think is a coincidence that ISIS is losing territory since Russian innervation?Even Janes says Russians are fighting ISIS. Don’t tell me that Janes is in Kremlin propaganda machine!:)

So the bottom line is:Bulgarians shot down Israel airliner bad.Soviets shot down Korean airliner bad.Russians shot down Malaysian airliner bad.US shot down Iranian airliner good. Israel shot down Libyan airliner good.Ukrainians shot down Russian airliner?Good i guess.Got it!

ONCE UPON A TIME“He had moved to a more conservative view on Jihadis- perhaps youre not familiar with the “allahu Akbar” being put on the Iraqi flag. Saddam was going to fall he knew that he had to do everything he could to embrace the Sunnis(ergo the Wahabbists) the US/UK just helped it along; he was terrified of the

They were insignificant and Saddam hunt them down and kill them systematically. They became strong after US invaded Iraq.But you are too dumb to understand that. :)

US best allies count?If they do, Israel shot down an Libyan airliner back in 1973.So the bottom line is:Soviets shot down Korean airliner bad.Russians shot down Malaysian airliner bad.US shot down Iranian airliner good. Israel shot down Libyan airliner good.Got it!

Soviets shot down Korean airliner bad.Russians shot down Malaysian airliner bad.US shot down Iranian airliner good.OK!Got it again!

Russians shot down Malaysian airliner bad.US shot down Iranian airliner good.OK!Got it. :)

Setbacks in recent weeks?Where?Are you sure that you were awake when you learn that? :)

There was no jihadists of any kind in Iraq before US invasion.But i guess you are to dumb to understand that......

“The US fucked up AGAIN big time.”Fix it for you.:)

You should start your posts with “Once upon a time” and finish them with”lived happily ever after”.....:))

Vietnam and Soviet intervention in Afghanistan.

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What are you talking about?The empire lost the war from a bunch of teddy bears. :)))))

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