
No i mean use against the people of Donbass.I can put some gruesome pictures with dead women and children if you have any doubts about what all of these Nazi friendly battalions are doing in eastern Ukraine.All these murders dose not help them to win the rebels.They are on the the run every time the rebels mount a

OK got it :)

In US police kills almost one thousand unarmed civilians(including a lot of minors)every year.Think what will happen if the “civilians” kill 16 cops in one protest.......

Yeah they hate Nazis and to prove that they give them tanks and artillery to use against the people of Donbass.....

“I don’t think there’s a state in modern history that’s killed more civilians than Russia’s various governments over the last 100 years”I wonder what north american Indians opinion is on this matter.And the opinion of Vietnamese,Iraqis,Serbs,Afghans,Libyans etc.And if modern history includes British empire we gonna

No they did not........16 police officers must committed suicide to blame the“peaceful”protesters.I wonder what the US police will do if 16 police officers are killed in a protest in the US.

Better than your Russian insults :)

“Again, the difference is the US goes out of its way to avoid civilian casualties”.This a joke that only a dumb ass american like you can believe.

Now playing

It is people like you that justify the term american idiot.The mess in the Middle east today is made in US.It is the 2003 Iraq invasion(you brainless idiot)and the bloodbath that followed.All this blood in on US hands.Did the US take to court all of these US war criminals?(You know Bush,DICK Cheney, Donald

Typical american hypocrite.US and its minions killing civilians good.Russia killing civilians bad.

I know that feeling. We blow up a 150 jihadists every half day in Syria since 30th of September.Cheers!:)

Presidents Yanukovych government was democratically ELECTED.If a part of the people did not like presidents policies they should wait until next elections and IF(because east Ukraine people opinion is equal to west Ukraine people opinion.Right?) they win the election they could change this policies .This is


Relax.No need to be rude.Be polite like these men. :)

The jihadists are in full retreat since the start of Russian intervene.You think this is a coincidence? Russians are accurate enough. :)

They are not Nazis?What are you talking about?They even have the same badge with 2nd SS Panzer Division “Das Reich” The far right extremists that was the tip of the spear in the coup that overthrow the elected legitimate government are the same thugs that formatted the volunteers battalions.

The Azov battalion is an OFFICIAL military formation with tanks and artillery and it is not the only one of its kind in west Ukraine.West Ukraine is the first country since WWII that have OFFICIAL Nazi military formations. OK? Nazi friendly idiot!

Like i said it is........Russian propaganda there is no Azov battalion in West Ukraine.The evil Russians even make the badge of the nonexistent Azov battalion to look like the badge of the 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich.!

There is no Nazis in west Ukraine! Everything is...”Russian propaganda!” :)