Of course the best defense is to stop invading other countries all together. Even if they want you there. (protip, they don’t)
The Air Force likes to say that the A-10 is not survivable in a war against a modern peer-state competitor
Sorry, but how is it debatable that A-10 isn’t survivable against a peer-state competitor? It wasn’t expected to be survivable against the Soviet Union when it was first introduced. The entire A-10 fleet had an expected lifetime of 2-3 weeks, iirc, if war broke out in Europe.
cyka blyat
This sudden warming up to Russian hardware and discontent with the Americans in the Middle East is a direct result of Russia’s Syrian intervention. In just six months Russian airpower together with coordinated ground offensives had reversed the course of the war, devastated enemy morale and forced a ceasefire all for…
And a Russian pilot flying by at 400+ kn would see the spinning barrels of a gatling gun how exactly? You are a fine representative of our great nation, dumb as fuck, and totally illiterate as to real world issues.
There ^^^
White House - bots are already here it seems.
Considering the entire Baltic is withing range of Russian Naval aviation, air defense systems, anti-ship missiles, there would be a lot of US warships on the bottom of the Baltic. Baltic Sea, Black Sea etc - are a death trap for a carrier. Carriers are primarily suitable for US colonial wars.
A “large Russian pullout” actually never took place. What Russians did was to rotate their forces. Instead of Su-30s, new Su-35s arrives. Instead of Mi-24 helicopters, newer Mi-28 and Ka-52 arrived. They never really ceased operations against ISIS. However, when the pullout of the first round of forces happened,…
Menacing while stationary brutal while airborne the Russian helicopters are amazing.
Yeah I agree, I think this would be very useful as a “point man” kinda tank.
Defeating ISIS and other terrorists groups in Syria is a job for SAA and its allies on the ground. And it’s been said so since day one of the Russian operation there. Besides the main operation was suppose to last about 6 months.
What’s your source? CNN, Fox News? Western media is just as bullshit as media in authoritarian states.