
They should be asking every patient, every time. (With a caveat that they shouldn’t ask unless the patient is alone and that’s not always possible to do without making a bad situation worse.)

We've got the 2014 and the thing is like a freaking Tardis. It's so big on the inside compared to how it looks from the outside.

I'm totally taken in by the stubby grenade shape. (Also, it's reasonably decent beer.) (Mostly the bottle shape, really.)

When I last called Comcast entirely ready to drop tv the offered their "Premier" package that includes all of the premium movie channels. We were keeping the Internet service option anyhow and the effective cost for the TV package ended up at about $35 a month. We have a TiVo with a TiVo mini and stream hooked up

Glad it didn't work! We're happy you're still here.

Twain is supposed to have sent this telegram"

Precisely this. My wife uses multiple external drives and every external monitor she can find with her Macbook Pro. She would laugh at this thing and keep right on moving.

Portability and that screen. The extra weight is significant for some folks.

There is a 100% chance I will eat this in the morning for breakfast.

My younger brother was a track star in high school and he fueled himself before and during meets mostly with bacon and Skittles.

It should keep quite a while. Worcestershire sauce has a long life owing to the vinegar and salt so I'd imagine probably something into months in the fridge.

Re: expense reporting. In a past life I administered a faculty grant program for early career researchers. It was a huge deal and a ton of money and involved a fair bit of travel. At one of the sessions at one of our meetings one of the alumni of the program (they all came back because we rocked, a lot) was speaking

For me, I don't imagine that sugar is any healthier than HFCS. However, I have diabetes (specifically cystic fibrosis related diabetes, which is an odd thing) and the occasional times I had a non-diet soda (because I _loathe_ diet soda and also really, really like regular Coke) the HFCS will jack my blood sugar in

I thought this same thing. But, I've been wrong a lot in the past, so I'm not remotely certain that I'm even close to correct here.

Commenting only to say we eat almost the same thing. Hot salsa, no extra cheese. Otherwise...

Lifted from Julia Child (I'm pretty sure).

The ATK testing on that is terrific, good call. I've always used cheap French blends since they published that.

I commented over on the SE page with this, but what the heck. For white wine I use dry vermouth (at $5 a liter from Trader Joe's) for virtually every application until I'm dumping a cup or more of wine into a recipe and then I start getting a little bit choosier. But for a little alcohol to help open up the flavor of

definitely accurate from my end when I'm the seller. If I'm having a yard/garage sale I'm hoping to make some money but I also want all of it gone. I'm happy to bundle at any point. The more stuff you're clearing out the higher the value for me.

This isn't a contrarian view, but a think about how it applies to your specific partner view. For instance, a chore is not a chore is not a chore. For example: my wife unloads the dishwasher because 1) I hate unloading the dishwasher and 2) I do virtually all of the cooking and dishes. She does pretty much all of