
Well....hemispheres and all.


The scannable app (on iOS) will shoot photos directly to Evernote. I love it.

TV is ESPN and TNT. They're flexible.

And then just the one for only so long as it took you to kill it with fire. Zoiks.

Who is “we?”

Is this how you believe the world works? How did you come to believe that this is how the world works?

You also have to provide your own insurance and have your own liability when you’re delivering the store’s food. The whole fucking thing is absurd. Hang in there.

You do you, but leave me out of that “Nobody is tipping.....” group you want. At our house we tip minimum $5 for delivery and then at least 20% once we get beyond $5.

This is a long version of “it doesn’t work for me so it won’t work for anyone.”

I will exclaim from experience that the $4 Pringles are unlike any other potato chip ever made. Those things were damned glorious. (Yes, at like 3am when I was ravenous for no good reason but whatever.)

I’ve always wanted a bedroom that was wall to wall mattress but like the size of 4 king mattresses. With pillows and comforters all around so you can just lie down however you like, wherever you like, pull a comforter over yourself, tuck in a pillow and there you go.

Yep, yep, yep. Yep. (This is because I can’t star it more than once and it’d be really annoying if I keep unstaring it so I can star it again.)

Ooh! OOH! A KINGDOM! I would buy a KINGDOM!!!! And all of the things you said.

How come?

Yes. It’s also not just in the TOS. It’s on the help pages, it literally pops up in tips in their apps. You have to work to not know you should pay via the Airbnb system.

Precisely. The only times I’ve used wire transfers in my life was for huge (well, huge relative to my income and net worth) real estate transactions and everyone involved was in the same room when we made the transfer.

Truthfully, that’d be unfriend-worth in my book. Ugh.

I’m not so concerned about the food being better for me, I’m concerned that it taste good.

No we certainly shouldn’t assume that. Especially as nothing in the Whole Foods documents indicate they have any intention of making a cheaper Whole Foods. Sounds a lot like they’re trying a more Trader Joe’s approach, as noted above. Something “complementary” to WF.