
Everyone and everything is terrible.

Let me guess, throughout the years he’s had females vouch that he’s been “nothing but respectful” to them, and therefore can’t have acted inappropriately (by that I mean immoral and evil) towards his daughter/any other female.

Let me just check my GOP Sex Monster Excusing 8-Ball:

Yeah, I imagine she’s been estranged from her family. She spent her childhood telling everyone about this and nothing ever came of it.

I regret that I have but one star to give these comments.  The problem is getting worse with these dirt bag bullet points. They can’t even be bothered to write a single full sentence anymore.

You and Bobby both making me click on links to get my celebrity gossip fix...I don't like it!

That article about sTeve-o was stomach churning. HOw is jackAss still a thing. Who finds this entertaining?

I’m officially lost at why the Carrie Underwood thing is a story? I guess it’s because her doctors’ deserve big kudos but it all seems like much ado about nothing. It’s not like she’s horribly disfigured or anything?

The reality of surgeries pre-anesthesia still absolutely boggles my mind. It’s one of those things I just genuinely can’t grasp the reality of, likely out of a defense mechanism. Just... horrific to imagine what kind of pain people went through, and that’s not even getting into the issue of sterilization and infection.

It appears Clinton didn’t quite crack the rubric’s questions, which included items like, “Did the person trigger a watershed change,”

Why not just give up on reading and public schools in texas, forget this pretense and just let those idiots fend for themselves.

Mean girls never stop mean-girling

can’t wait to hear all 45's supporters asking for gov handouts to help them recover.

If you don’t get out of the way of a storm you’re warned about a week in advance and go to the provided safety shelters, your death should be recorded as self-inflicted.

And half of them complain about the largesse of government until their house blows down and floats away, then demand that something be done to help them for building a house on land called ‘barrier islands’ literally because they’re the barriers for the actual mainland where people would be living.

The only way to get Samantha Markle and her ilk to shut the fuck up is for everyone to stop paying attention to them.

Between using her paper tickets as blinders/eye compresses, Garner confessed to the camera that she found the whole experience mortifying.

It really was an adorable way to promote her movie about a fragile white woman who rises up to kill a shitload of Mexicans.

Fuck her for making that trash, is what I’m saying.

Team Nobody for the win. Both of these people act like douchebags and are being horrible to each other.

Feel the same way. Except I’m Team Nobody.