
Doubting that certain parents would ever send Emma off to school without a specially boxed meal...

Maybe Jez should just do a Cardi-a-day post...

I love cats, but not Cats. I love music, but not musicals. FWIW

I read it as Kim rather than Khloe and thought THAT is uppermost of her concerns about Kayne...

Never saw Channing T. in anything but presume he is talented as his looks are not super-standard as far as Hollywood “hunks” go?

I lost a sister, a brother and both parents over a few short years...pretty much did my marriage in as well, which officially ended several years later but was “killed” much earlier.

I know it is not the point here, but I hope she has a new agent and he/she demands that back pay.

Just saying I’d be glad if I was her, that’s all...not worried.

Married to him, she should be thrilled if he beds elsewhere...not indifferent. 

Is he a legit rock star? I am old and Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Prince, are rock stars to me...I don’t know who this is, will people know in 60 years?

Real or fake, these female celeb battles are wrong and stupid, more than ever.

MIchael Scott offending his way through life would be even more unseemly 10-15 years older, somehow, though he was certainly old enough even then to know much better. Yet if he became too evolved, the show premise is gone. 

Julia must be dreadfully insecure if even with her her level of fame she stoops to bullying. Or just plain mean. And her kids are too old not to learn how rich they are and how unusual their lives are. 

Pink and blue to tease TMZ and other stalkers?

I get blanks where pics should be in so many posts...is this not having an instagram account?

Embarrassing that grown women can still pick fights over nonsense when women have so many worthy fights...

A cosmic vise (?) to grab and squeeze their tiny shriveled private parts remotely...surely Amazon whiz kids can create one, like Alexa Dot or whatever, I mean it can hit “snooze” for you and shit...

Trump the elder may beat junior to it...neither has a scruple, neither can go low enough to please their audience. The Right in the US harbors the most despicable men on the planet. 

Finally she had that baby....good grief

“Bio pics” should only be made about long-dead people, which is why I am currently enjoying the trashy “true” series The Tudors at this very moment. The  multitude of inaccuracies don’t bother me (as much.)