
I wonder if Meghan knows that 5/19 her wedding date is the same date of Anne Boleyn’s execution...seems inauspicious...

I know it is not the point but I hate that word so much. All I can see is a cardboard box containing horned toad frogs in my brother’s room. But there are not many good words to substitute...

I don’t see the point of Halloween anymore in this freak show of a country

Kinja kicked me so far out a while back that I had to create a new profile and so...am gray all over again, after finally being NOT gray.

I read the news today, oh boy...

Why don’t women report sexual assault....

It would not hurt PD to filter some of his thoughts...but then he might not be as sought-after for late night TV...

WHy don’t the pic on Dirtbag show up for me...

Diseased windbag Trump will be bleating how awesomely the Repubs (aka Nazis?) did today...only he will misspell half of his word vomit while trumpeting lies about how the whole world of leaders called to tell him just how awesome he is...and that is almost trivial compared to the virulent hatred of his posse of

Will this really help women in villages, if their husbands decide they have cheated? Did they make use of courts, or just punish or kill their wives?

The model has a $1000 haircut and a perfect facial structure...this cut would = Bozo the Clown’s “do” with any hair that is remotely frizzy, curly, not sleek etc...esp with a round face. So no.

While this guy sounds horrible in these relationships...I admit I am confused about the UK and French laws...is it illegal to be a mean, controlling offensive jerk, basically? Not trying to brush it off, but wondering what would be the point where behavior becomes illegal?

Another reason I am glad to be old...even if we weren’t rewarded for existing as kids...

This is why enticing with links sucks...

But Az elected this guy, right? Maybe more than once? We get the government we deserve, said somebody one time...

Well since Dirt Bag consists mostly of links now, we have no choice if we bother to open the post...

If a male actor wore very different suits for weeks on end, a new one each day, a reporter might ask the same question, as suits in general are becoming less seen when actors are on long tours promoting new movies...she overreacted...

In November 2016 the US lost all rights to complain and/or moral superiorities over the policies of other countries...jmo

I hate slogan shirts but...saw one this week that said “You can be whatever you want to be...be kind.” So, yeah. I wish school kids were made to recite this every morning, forget about the pledege...

Can’t Hailey just, like, date him for a few years? What is this rush to marry...I waited until 35 and it still ended, eventually. I guess it’s a starter marriage but still...his appearance is beginning to signal “breakdown imminent”...