
Maybe they think Sofia is a reporter or a spy...do celebs talk to people they don’t know? I had no idea who she was in that clip. I don’t think Amber is more,of a bitch than anyone else. She has probably been burned before. But it is awkward and  the voiceover host makes the most of it.

She has a bit more than me :(

Scheme=plan in UK, not sinister. Also isn’t this the final season of MF? They could all die?.

I can’t find a book called In The Land of Steady Habits anyplace?

This was an era where the battle against filth in the homes was unceasing, where stoops were scrubbed daily by houseproud women (or maids) yet no one equated filth with infection and blissfully used any old knife or scapel on human bodies, dirty rags on wounds etc...

I have a huge bio of her life here I want to read...and I will, eventually but her early years idolizing her father turned her into the prig she became as a young woman and at court later on. I find her letters and diary much more readable than her novels, in which the main female is excrutiatingly “good” and may

Mandy Moore, ill-fitting mess, looks cheap but was not. Sarah P. Bodice not flattering. The pinks are too much bottle of Pepto Bismal for me. Some looks seem badly fitted which is perplexing at such events.

Julia should never be under catagory “Dirt Bag”...she deserves her own post.

Except she spells it Teigen, so...

Yeah maybe everyone should teach their kiddies at home...the ignorant will pass on their ideals and knowledge, others will do the same and we will end up...where we are now.

I offered my two nieces in TX some financial aid to send their baby daughters out of state to school...I am poor as hell but would set aside some $ if they would...

In my ideal world, flip flops end with puberty

Maybe US media should stop giving ink to this vengeful lunatic relative...it encourages the idea that she should be somehow be entitiled to a tv show...which she is likley getting anyway but it all the press sure stokes her engines.

I only knew one personally...well, I was friends with his parents, and he ended his life with a bullet so yeah...there are issues.

TMZ says he live in TN? Anyway...Drake is the lead story here??

There are a while lotta man babies out there. Maybe their father’s life look boring and rigid, in their suits and schedules so why not slop around in soft toddler clothes and play video games and work with bros just like themselves...and wash or not wash...

I can’t sympathize with those who stay on purpose. Rescuers will end up trying to go after some of them, risking their own lives even more.

Never heard of the country singer but gather she got to have criminal charges dropped by donating to charity? A new thing? Can non-country singers do this too... 

His base of like-minded miscreants buy any kind of shit he flings onto the internet. And he gets to do this for at least 2 more years. No one is stopping him.   I am equally terrified of Pence. 

We will wake up to Jennifer Garner running for president on a Christian Mom agenda one of these days...