
I thought that Dan Fogelman movie was about Dan Fogelberg, the soft rock guy and wondered why the hell anyone was making a movie about him...

“Wherever you happen to fall on Serena’s behavior Saturday night, I’m sure you agree with me that this is the umpire’s fault.”

I can’t get ungreyed on Jez either, but I’m approved here which is clear proof that Hariott doesn’t hate mayo-Americans.

Cardi B is doubtless responsible for several of the world’s problems, but don’t lay this one on her unless you want one of her shoes.

Why the fuck does this website worship Cardi B constantly? I truly don’t get it.

No, most politicians that act the way the current crop in the USA are now end up against the wall where the bullets most definitely aren’t passing over their heads as the revolution comes.

It’s #MAGA word salad. It isn’t supposed to make sense, it’s just throwing poop at the chimpanzees in his base.

Wait, you mean having pineapple on pizza, or the debate about it?

GTFO summer. Git!

My pet peeve is unique. I mean it’s misuse of the word unique. Unique doesn’t mean rare, it means only. There is no superlative for unique. Nothing is very unique, or extremely unique, or the most unique. Nothing is almost unique either. If something were almost unique, it would be rare.

Why not let people be the judge of what they watch? For you, CK is out for good but why would you get to decide that for everyone?

Im still not quite sure what Jezebel wants from Louis CK. I mean he got caught, called out, admitted it, apologised (how much is up for debate) and had his career derailed due to the furor...

The level of coverage this is getting with the gushing about Jen has reached the height of absurdity. Time for her PR team to chill the fuck out, because it is becoming obnoxious. 

if you go to a vegan restaurant and don’t blog about it, are you even allowed back

To your first point: Dat red herring. You know exactly what I meant, and your attempt to derail here is disingenuous in the extreme.

If more people had guns at this thing, all we’d have are more bullets fired—and likely more bodies. I was specifically getting at the idea that bringing a weapon into an area where you

If God is real and good then why does he allow this to happen and everything else going on in the world?

The American e-sports/big money streaming for video games industry needs to be shut down. Not just for this shooting — it’s a continuing stream of evidences that our country and youth do not have the ability to be mature enough to handle any degree of money, fame, or power.

Don’t say most like we all believe that crazy asshole Alex Jones. Most of us are well aware that guns are a big issue in this country. Most of us want change to make things safer, but many of us also want to keep our guns. It’s a tug of war with neither side relenting, but don’t say most of us believe they were

I think that’s the point he’s trying to make. That if the shooter is indeed white, then politicians will instead of focusing on the gun fetishment problem in America, focus entirely militarizing security, which will indoubtedly lead to an increasing of harassment towards Black people, brown people, “anyone not white,”

Half of us reached that number a long time ago. For the other half, no number is high enough.