
she looks thrilled

First off, we all know that we can’t believe what we see on the cover of Vanity Fair, or other magazines, right?

I agree. In fact, how about releasing a week’s worth of Kardashian-free Dirtbags? Challenge accepted?

I’ve had dogs and cats all my life. I can’t imagine preferring one over the other. They are both awesome and total assholes in their own way. I do, however, neosporin the hell out of kitty puncture wounds because even if your body can fight off the bacteria, the wound hurts like hell.

I ran a Cat Shelter for twelve years. This infection is very rarely contracted and when it is, it tends to be by people with compromised immune systems.

My sister-in-law does not shave her armpits. When we have family reunions (like we are this summer), I cannot stop staring at it and how horribly hot and uncomfortable it looks. This is especially true in the 90 degree, no breeze, middle of nowhere country.

I don’t think you’re supposed to take this seriously. I hope.

This is better than those people at the mall yesterday.

Some of the responses were sanctimonious but I still think they’re way bigger assholes for thinking they could ask people on the internet for money to help raise their oops baby. I believe that she didn’t know she was pregnant (though I believe *didn’t know* includes the very likely scenario that she was in some deep

Oh come on. Even with a very widely written law protecting them, no company would risk donating even very slightly expired food. For one thing, you’d read about it right here (well, on Gawker): “Subway Poisons 20 Poor People (Probably On Purpose, Because They’re Monsters).” No amount of legal safeguards would protect

37? Can you get this down to 3 or maybe 4 steps and then I'll watch the video.

I was JUST reading/about to reply to a comment of yours on another post :)

Why are feminists so obsessed with beyonce? She probably one of the most privileged creatures on earth. Just because she’s wealthy and attractive doesn’t make Feminism™ look good.

I feel bad for kids that are homeless and hungry. This pampered little twit owns a house, for fuck’s sake.

Well, I’d say it’s at least dishonorable to sleep with somebody else while in a relationship, lie about it, and then try to get child support for one of them from the wrong person, but what do I know? I’m not sure this fits as slut shaming.

Damn, man. If you’re gonna cheat, at least use a condom! Or better yet, don't cheat at all.

I did my internship at a state-run forensic hospital (felons who were considered insane but were guilty of their crimes). Please understand that there are people who are just awful - not mentally imbalanced, not burdened with a mental disease - just 100% shitty.

Wexler. Family name or not, your friends are assholes. But, I loved watching you in the long jump.

I didn't want kids when I got married 32 years ago. Now, I'm really happy to say I didn't give in to the societal pressures that still existed then. And so many of my friends whispered "you were right" after their kids were born