
there is

fine, then don't call it censorship. Let's call it unnecessary whining by people who can't stand it that there are people out there that want to do shit they don't like and want to pressure private entities into relenting to their whining and imposing their views on the rest of the world. whether it's mothers'

I don't care how 'offensive' something is, I'll still take it over censorship or people crying to have things taken offline. I'm kind of sick of people getting so damn offended and acting like the entire world needs to respect their feelings. Reminds me of a french scandal from years ago - a comedian was taken off the

Fowl play anyone?

She looks like Justin Bieber.

Two thoughts:

As a non church goer, I have no dog in this fight. However, I must use this thread as a platform to say that I hate it when people wear super casual clothes in nice restaurants. What's the point in going to a nice restaurant if you're not going to look the part? It ruins the atmosphere. If you want to eat dinner

Sweatpants to church is just nasty. I rarely judge, but that makes me judgmental as hell.

WAIT. GOOP IS ACTUALLY A THING? I thought it was just a funny name we called her...

A whiff of colon

Are you guys punking me? She looks beautiful from the neck up. The color of her jeans is nice. The rest is ridiculous. You've all taken hipster irony too far this time.

First World Problems.

This is why other countries make fun of us, you guys.

Sorry, what?

I was just going to post that Gary Keith and Ron are just about the only the that keeps us Mets fans going these days.

I don't understand how anyone finds any of this shit amusing. I hope they all get in trouble. Idiots.

I just find it hard to believe that there is anyone under the age of 75 who gives any credence to ANYTHING Bill O'Reilly says. Fox News wouldn't even exist except for the senile and the racist.

That's not true. I've iced people out of my life before. I just disappear, unfriend them, and block their numbers/emails. If I don't want you in my life, then you're not going to be in it.

WTH, LeAnn?

What happens though is that there is a couple of moms, not all, but a couple in everyone's Facebook who can't help themselves. So they skew the curve, IMO. Most are fine, but then there is the one who loves to post,