
I could not agree with you more. It's laughable how they go out of their way to excuse Beyonce but if it were anyone else, they would have let loose the hounds of snarky judgement.

Thats the weird thing in my opinion, how people react to her. She seems like a perfectly decent person, but the people who WORSHIP her.. good lord. They put her on a pedestal and bow to the royalty. Shes just a woman with a good voice and even better management. Thats it. Not royalty. I dont follow her really

I like Beyonce, but I had to stop following her on Instagram because all of her photos felt like humblebrags to me.

She most likely demands it.

Exactly. They raked Kim Kardashian over the coals for her post-gym photoshopped selfie, but in this case: "Also, it's not as though Beyoncé runs her own Instagram (she's a very busy woman)."

And if this were literally any other female celebrity, the headline would have been "SO-AND-SO PHOTOSHOPS THIGH GAP INTO INSTAGRAM SELFIE!!!" I've said it before, but the Beyonce worship on this site is so transparent. She's exactly like every other A-list celebrity. Get over it.

Please stop talking about "thigh gaps" and bringing attention to it. It's fucking stupid. Thanks.

It would be less funny but more informative* if you simply wrote a story that explained exactly what happened. By the time I got done mentally subtracting all the crap you made up, I couldn't be sure what was true anymore. And your snide commentary about the "stalking" charge, coupled with a complete lack of interest

Just when I thought mommyblogging couldn't get any more boring...

He looks like a darker version of mine!

My beloved kitty that passed away last year used to meow furiously at the living room door if I had accidentally locked her out in the kitchen while I was playing piano. She would sit on the bench and purr while I was playing, and she would meow with me if I was singing. And tears.

aww. Something is so sweet when big burly men like their cats.


I agree. First World Problems are the only problems I have. Oh, wait, you were being sarcastic? Still, Yay 'Merica.

just pay him and none of this will happen

Zach Price had a pretty bad Thursday.

The slimers did Kaley Cuoco a favor. That outfit is 9 kinds of ugly.

"The LA Times then flesh out this story be recounting the day of the murder, when the couple, who met in AA, went on a bender to cope with being evicted, all after Shannon lost her job and mobile home, while Chip had just gotten out of prison."

Am I allowed to think that this policy is sexist and dumb, but also think that leggings are not pants?

I can't even be bothered by this in the slightest. I find high fashion and Vogue (which epitomizes it) so ridiculous that the inclusion of reality TV and tabloid celebs and larger-than-life rap artists is totally acceptable. Major side-eye to anyone who thinks this is the end of times (any time.)