
She was wearing a bra. Bras are not shirts and undies are not pants. Leggings not pants, either.

Ok, I'm sorry...I'm having a little trouble buying that they said, "sorry, ma'am—you're intimidating everyone with your toned body." They might have said with your "exposed abs" or "tank top," but toned body? Er, she might have had added that in after the fact. Just saying!

What a fucking brat (unless he's a special needs child then "God Bless").

Am I supposed to feel bad for cheaters? Because I certainly don't...

"Unfortunately, neither the statements made by 5-foot, 11-inch Williams, nor those by "pop culture expert" Pardavila are backed up by science."

This site is weird. If Shailene weren't just the person we liked at the moment, I'm sure this post would've been how batshit crazy that sounded. The vaginal sunbathing was interesting, but eating clay? What?

Whichever one she is I'm already sick of her. Just give it up, photoshopped hybrid person.

Ok, I am the heartless monster who loathes Mindy Kaling. I loved Kelly Kapoor, and expected Kaling to be infinitely delightful. So I read her book, in which she repeatedly describes herself as a woman with a "normal" body; thus, at a size 8, she implied that anyone below or above that arbitrary number was abnormal.

For even more attention then she normally gets.

So, not remotely the same thing, but I got the death flu in December and it lasted for a ridiculously long time. I was too sick to leave the house (except for slow, short walks when my housemate wasn't there to take the pup out) for weeks, and too sick to leave the bed for a long stretch, with several recurrences. And

Maybe they should have just joined a club that was more suitable to their particular interests? Why would you want to belong to a group that didn't want you?

Gertie also has on a diaper!!!

Meh. If I had the money, I'd absolutely pay extra to fly in comfort. Or, to at least fly without someone touching me all flight. I'd pay a lot for that.

I mean, if they're dishing out $10K+ shouldn't they get that kind of service and privacy? I see nothing wrong with this.

NFL: "Nigger" is a bad word that drags us back to the days of slavery. Now step on this scale and run the 40 yard dash so we can measure your physical attributes and let rich white men decide where you get to live and work.

I think that it's perfectly honorable for a person to say that they're conflicted on an issue, and Tim Gunn is nothing if not honorable in everything that I've seen him do.

Tall thin trans models will be much more welcomed than 'average' (whatever that means) female bodies on the runway, any day.

Honestly, I hope Brewer signs it. I hope she signs it and it gets challenged all the way to the Supreme Court. I hope Arizona loses millions if not billions in tax dollars and business revenue and tourist income. I hope the Supreme Court strikes this down on the basis of equal protection, which then sets the precedent

Well, they take up your nutrients and deplete your calcium. I'm always freaked out by that. A baby basically gets it's bones by taking away the mother's bones. A woman has something like 10% less bone density after pregnancy. *Shudder* Yeah I'm not doing that. Ever.

I made this point elsewhere to some extent. We raise men to feel this way, and then we act surprised that this is how they feel? Seems uncool to me.