
64% of those who picked Steve McQueen thought they meant this one

"There's nothing inherently wrong with Bennet's ambition."

Chocolate pudding is a delicious dessert made with sugar and dairy, whereas a chocolate mousse is a big dumb animal with stupid furry antlers that only exists in your imagination.

Eh. Like her or not she was proven and finished seventh despite skating clean. Her remarks about skaters who fall yet still score better than skaters who don't is a good one without regard to how she got to the games.

She manages to look more polished than 75% of the other ladies, while looking like she spent one-tenth of the time getting ready.

She reminds me of the bird from Up. I think I like it.

Fighting over a little strip, is that all they fucking do in the Middle East?!

You use the word "gaunt" to describe her, in an article decrying shaming people for their size? Nice work, lady.

If you are a comedian you care about funny. That's it. There is funny and not funny. Any comedian regardless of race will tell you that.

Well, Fox news stations usually have a hard time admitting when their favorite Patriots lose.

Did they find his previous owner and euthanize him/her? Asking for a friend.

From the title I was seriously expecting that they cast a blonde white lady in the role.

I don't know. I work with kids every day and they can be incredibly cruel, too. They're just people. Some of them are nice and some of them are jerks.

I wish.

"Lorde is the most disgusting ungrateful bitch. Check your face." - WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN???????????????

To be fair, I can't look at this picture without thinking she's squatting to drop a deuce.

No, I think it's terrible. It looks like an ice skating outfit, but full length.

Beyonce and Paris both fail with their ice skating numbers. Sheer dresses are just done at this stage.