
Ok, I'm the oldz here. I didn't think it sounded good

She is 14, not 4. I think a teenager understands that stabbing a lot=killing someone unless they have severe mental set-backs.

Katy Perry Thinks Nothing, Says Things Though

Good you put this 2 articles above your super long piece about celebrities at the SAG. Otherwise the hypocrisy might bust your servers.

"What if we cared about those living in poverty as much as we care about celebrities?"

I love this.

Will never understand why people think surgery makes them look better. Brandi before:

not to discount the dunk, but how ridiculous was that final Kentucky possession?

I always like the idea of the collaborations in photos, but when I actually see them in the store they look scary, cheap, and loud.

I don't know how people stay "best friends" after a breakup, let alone a divorce. I mean I understand amicable. But when I end a relationship with someone I was in love with, it's ovah. Can't hang out anymore. I can be friends with a guy I dated for a little and never really had strong feelings for, but yeah, I

I really don't understand why sandwich recipes exist. Decide what you would like to eat. Assemble it. Put it between bread. BOOM: every sandwich recipe ever.

If that dress had been sleeveless it would have been lovely. It's not her worst effort by far, but I still want her to fire her stylist.

I know Lindy is 'kidding', but this celebrity baby worship is really disgusting. Enough. How can you even begin to talk about 'privilege' in any context and then turn around and laud the behavior of a toddler. It's super gross. Stop it.

Politics aside, still don't get how you can hate this guy

This is way too figure-skater for me, especially with that hair!

She is not in the news cycle with my consent. In case anyone cares, I do not give consent to read/hear/see any news about this person.

I think it was an honest question because most Alabama fans don't really know what English sounds like.

Wait, Gluten-free is dead!?! Please for the love of bread let the gluten-free trend die.

The Guardian's new food critic:

Everything Is Bigot-er In Texas