
Some of us “olds” never really stopped.

Her shit sucks and is basic, with prices for the 2% in basic daywear. I can’t understand paying those prices even if you have $$$$ to flutter about as you sashay in your overpriced flats.

Not printing anything that “family” says or does would be the best revenge.

JG wants to be loved by all, including the racists who will swarm to her new movie.

Seriously, whole wheat bagels?

Seriously...throwing shit though? Who needs to do that? It is as childish as the child she claimed to be defending. Can’t they all just stick  to old-fashioned twitter feud bullshit...

I find her incredibly hard to look at...something voracious about her expressions like she is lying in wait...

Heidi fits the show to perfection...this became obvious in All Stars etc...I can’t enjoy it without her. Even though her taste is ?? to WTF, her personality works.

And hating on him besides...

Let me know if asking helps...have been grey a while now...

Hope Denise did not marry for the free Bravo wedding...also John Legend for President please, Chrissy would be stellar in White House.

I think you have to hit “pending” to see posts not approved (grey) but not sure. Maybe they show up later.

Are we allowed to love her hubby too...he seems pretty great

If you are “grey” your comments go to “pending” which means they have to be approved each time and often do not get read since trolls go there as well...I used to be ungrey but my ipad crashed and would not let me in so I had to create a new user ID this year, so the struggle begins again...

PROPS, I can’t even get ungrayed on Jez. Maybe cuz I don’t love Cardi B

Because politicians don’t wind up in these prisons. If they didn’t have their special places these conditions would not exist.

Ugh my one and only reality show...:(

He is rich because women buy his crap

There are still double decker planes?

Hmmm. i feel like this whole exposure bit is about book sales...