
It all makes perfect sense to his pea-brained followers.

Ever since Nov 2016 I have been happy about two things...one, that I am an “old” and won’t have to see what damage Republicans continue to cause, and two, that my late parents passed away before the election, rather than be killed by the result.

Free speech has really come into its own in the era of an openly racist president...how these folks must have bottled it up for so long is beyond me but now they are letting it fly...let freedom reign etc...

I hate rom coms with a fiery passion yet am happy this one is doing so well. The book was entertaining. And they have sequels to come, two more books I think. But I don’t look forward to a slew of this genre. At least not the US ones...

I envy the non-grays ever since I turned gray overnight due to a seemingly random evil Kinja attack, could not log in, and had to create a new profile. I think it happened due to jealousy over my stellar posts, especially in response to AB’s (often) spectacular recipes, some I admired, others I coveted, but gave

I loathe the word “really”, no reason, really, just because. It is never really needed. 

I had no idea so many products existed...I am almost 60 and just use cleanser and moisturizer...and still have skin.

Too much money turned them into shitheads? Maybe they meant well until those $ kept rolling in...

Just like Chik Filet or whatever the hell it is called...and Hobby Lobby, don’t spend $ there. It is all we can do, imo.

$10 for a water glass is not affordable to the masses. My box of 4 was $4. Also my fridge has a little box for my eggs to sit.

One more trend I never heard of

I am old and never got a tattoo...but many of my equally old friends have them...just saying, they look a lot different on skin when it is wrinkled as one ages...mostly just like blurry inkblots.

Does she have daughters? Or any females in her life she cares about

Much of Texas will absolutely not vote for a man wearing a dress

None of my dreams ever come true

I am convinced that that nothing will ever change regarding the gun culture and gun availability in the US. I don’t spend my $ in any store or chain selling guns or ammunition, though I may get tricked sometimes if a chain sells guns under some other umbrella. I wonder if it would make any difference if gun-haters

“A bit of a racist shit”????

Why would these racist, ranting politicians be any more intelligent than their base?

I feel legit sorry for Meghan...she is vilified and can’t make try to make amends even if she wants to, without it becoming fodder for the tabloids. I am sure there are some things she loves about her father but he has forfeited any rights to her comfort or companionship...

Admitting you don’t read books is much worse than just not reading books, somehow. I could never be with someone who hated books and was proud of it. As it is, I struggle to understand my friends who never, ever read a book.