
I have been to two weddings recently where none of this shit happened. It is still possible not to be assholes just because the internet exists.

Peoplee not interested in (trying) to mate for life don’t have to get married. And no one “has to” start sleeping with someone else when they are still in what is meant to be a committed relationship or marriage. Also...hurting families and kids is not enough of a reason not to?

I think people are already set in their ways and habits by 35, not as flexible or accepting of flaws and misdemeanors. Also...I married at 34 and just now divorcing after 20 years. For at least the last seven years, we practically drove each other crazy. Living alone for the first time since I was 20, really, and

Maybe if no one wrote about these shit shows, they would go away sooner

71 seconds is a long time to watch people have sex


It is bad. Comparison to Hitler is ridiculous. But an act or person can be “bad” without being Hilter-like.

I want to use it on my patio to cook fish, as my apartment is too small for fish odor...takes days to go away.

I want to use it on my patio to cook fish, as my apartment is too small for fish odor...takes days to go away.

Need a lttle George Foreman grill lol

Need a lttle George Foreman grill lol

Well, it is probably fair to say most actors, of either sex, are not hired for their opinions.

My little dog brings me her tiny empty dish when she has has an especially tasty supper and wants seconds. SO adorable...

Kitty has a very human-like face.

Talk shows have seasons?

Science and technology joining in toward goal of thinning the herd.

None of these things would become a thing if women did not buy into them.

What is not to like about the causes SJP mentioned, i.e child care, equal pay etc? Why the sarcasm? Or I am getting it wrong? Does everyone have to announce they are a feminst to pass inspection?

Still no.

Ok but what are the realistic options to AC when your apartment registers ninety degrees or above? I mean I hate to use it because I can’t really afford it but I do want to continue to exist for a while yet.

I found a nest while out walking my dog. I hope they were done with it : but also, I examined it and am amazed by the workmanship. So many thousands of tiny pieces of whatever woven together. Really ridiculous.

It is damned close to 50/50 Imo. Just look at how the split in the country is generally half and half on a lot of issues. Or close enough, too close. And when times are bad exotically, racism and xenophobia skyrocket.