
Why does your second paragraph start with "...began a relationship with"...it is not a relationship if one is a teacher and the other is a minor child.

All alcohol is still under lock and key on Sunday until noon in NM. Most stores put up a big cage around the whole department, 'cause apparently signs alone would never work. Once they would not even sell me Bloody Mary mix...

Mayo is disgusting. I love menus with pictures. I-wait I thought I was on Foodspin with Albert, never mind.

She looks fine I guess, as an example of numerous plastic surgeons' work. I suppose a whole lotta women want to look like what she has achieved, so there's that? But it is realistic or affordable for most.

Didn't some other TV shows run into trouble, putting criminals on shows? Not saying this woman is a criminal herself, but don't they do some background checks that might have revealed some of the history here? I have no doubt that there are...similar families who would have fit the bill for this show...whatever it

Di's wedding gown was truly awful, for any decade. Seems like the designers had no way (or nerve) to restrain a child's fantasy bride, and no editing. Tim Gunn would make a face.

I sort of feel like we have seen her ass a million times by now, even if we haven't...yawn

I think "millions of viewers" is pushing it...her show is really hitting the skids...

well sorry...but it grosses me out

I love kittens...I love my seven-year old cat...but he is not a huge stress reliever...only at bedtime. Otherwise he causes a lot of my stress...but cutely.

Read about missing teen Brittny Wood from Alabama and her "family" if you want real-life tragedy without a TV show...sickening beyond words.

my sisters-in-law...

Jmo I am surprised at how many of the posters on a forum for crime I participate name themselves "Mommy-something" or "MontanaRileyStone's Mommy" etc as their user name. Maybe lots of stay-at-homes, I don't know, but my mom had eight kids and she never identified herself in any way that began with "mom" or "mommy".

Who would marry someone who wasted money like that?

I won't/can't eat anything with the word "curds" included...just no.

Oh two bathrooms for sure...but beware if that situation changes. We had two for all of our twenty years marriage until this past year, so alas, we took it for granted. Now I really have to keep my peace and just deal with it. He is sloppy. He was sloppy when we met. I can't say I did not know. We were not teens when

Ugh that is the air. All that blackness is n the air.

I dunno...I just like Kelly and Michael, whatever their show is called. It looks fun there.

Sigh, I thought cake and ice cream at the kitchen table was so special...but now they have kiddie parties at places I can't even afford to go...

Can't Sundays just be about cute baby animals...