
Does Israel have a cat shortage?

Dog looks intent on jumping on the shadow baby is making.

Why would a woman want to be in this club? Start an all-female version. I can't imagine it would be very pleasant if they grudgingly let women in, but most despised the ruling. Is it a "just because" thing? Because they shouldn't be allowed to have an all-male club? I can barely think of anything less pleasant to be

Cat and dogs should be tied.

I have been following the new season via a forum...and it is has not made me anxious for January, really. I think I am over DA.

DM is sleazy and cheesy but in the end, they seem to be right a lot of the time...jmo

Sorry, but good luck with that...

Forget the boobs, she does a mean interview. Much more interesting than most.

Honestly , is anyone upset at not being invited to weddings these days? I think it is a huge relief, not to mention huge savings on travel (usually) gifts, dress, etc . Especially gifts, since no invite= no gift from me. And why, especially, would anyone want to go to the wedding of someone who has you so far down on

So what is the diagnosis for people who do not take "selfies" and never will? I assume those people must have something wrong with them.

Fuck this...fuck this too...and especially fuck Texas

The rings part does not bother me. I have a teensy tiny diamond and it still catches on everything and gets disgusting dirty, and makes me cringe when I clean it. Personally I not fond of tattoos, but don't see why they should be an issue, unless they are vulgar, racist etc...but hair color is just plain silly.

While I kind of dream of a perfect world where being sexually assaulted is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of, any more than being mugged...it still needs to be the victim's choice whether or not to public. And a lawyer knows better, even if he acts like an ass. He should be penalized in whatever way possible.

I skip all Duggard and Kardashian crap for different reasons...mostly my blood pressure

God I am obsessed with finding underwear that is comfortable for me...I don't even look at models except to see where the waistband might fall on a much shorter person. I couldn't care less about pattern or color, even. I finally found a perfect pair through Amazon and bought three and now they are out of stock. The

Maybe they just don't feel like dealing with the questions at that moment, all down to a surprise change in what comes on the screen. Maybe the viewers of CB specials are six or seven, just old enough to drive parents nuts with questions, mostly to forstall bedtime. That could be super frustrating, if you had hoped

I often reflect back on paying $40-some in fees and what not six years ago,( as well as about the same monthly for supplies) in exchange for this now 15-pound tyrant. He is the absolute dictator. In fairness, he allows me to stroke his shining coat while he reclines across my Ipad, to crouch down with my arthritic

Weird and a bit creepy to me, to use real people. It is one thing having Winston Churchill at a dinner party in a historical novel, but to have him, say, impregnating the butler, just seems wrong and invasive, no pun intended.

Male politician says something stupid about women...wait, that's not story-worthy

Do men really care what women wear? I mean, do they overlook women based on clothing?