
She was nude. And wrestling.

This woman seems to be a poor example of womanhood in this era...but I bet she says she is a feminist...

An awful lot of those women on "Snapped" get a guy to do their actual dirty work. Also, almost none of them really "snapped" since the crimes are planned in detail most of the time. Yes, I have seen all of them.

Law enforcement is afraid of those white, militia-type anti-government folks, probably for a list of reasons. (Hey so am I.) They dance around the issue and then when once in a great while, when a Waco happens, they retreat for more decades. The treatment of non-whites is based on something entirely different, Imo.

Nathaniel really just wanted it out there that he had been to Europe...why he chose BK to deliver this nugget is curious.

She was amazing to watch as she pitched through the lineup the first time round. The other team figured her out by their second at-bats but wow, even my un-impressible husband (and Nevada fan) was pretty shocked and awed.

Ebooks are the thing that make it possible for me to fly occasionally, in this otherwise horrendous era of horrible airline service. Until my mom died, I was spending weeks at a time with her several times a year, hauling enough books to equate to one a day during my stay. Carrying my Kindle instead made me forget

Lol, adding "social media" to the otherwise classy and top-notch "America's Next Top Model" is an inspiration to all great television.

Well, they have been writing a lot of articles about white, suburban missing white women lately...

Wondering who gets to decide what rape is, though...

Because weed is so evil and dangerous. Really, 'Merica needs to grow about things related to week and sex. We end up looking just plain silly. Meanwhile, crisis in the cities, cops gone wild, etc...

I read that as ate all the relatives...hmmm probably Fruedian.

I wonder if your average person on the street knows just how racist the history of VA is. Sometimes I feel like VA gets overlooked, maybe due to it location or pretty buildings.

I can't equate Nazis with purity, in terms of being almost equally as bad. Purity can at least be considered a reference to food ingredients, I suppose...

She really is amazing-looking. Her face.

Too bad NW will probably be unrecognizable in ten years or so, after her mother starts having her "done"...

This is what earphones were made for. I can't bear a single twang.

As long as this country is so split, this type of song appeals as a mantra to roughly half of 'Mericans...millions of women feel this way. :(

I feel bad...I prefer lemons and clean laundry scents to those of most food. Flowers are messy and stink to holy hell once dead. No babies in my life, but love the scent of baby powder. And animal pics make me happier than anything. I guess I am walking cliche.

My husband said this just yesterday (title of piece). Adding that due to watching some pre-season games, for the first time he is not very excited about the kicking off of the season. Nothing but penalties and more penalties. No point in cheering a kick return, or a sack...you know the flags will be flying.