
@UweBollocks: Fucking hell, I'm losing it over here. +1

"Wade's rusty, and maybe a little gimpy."

Baby Killer Javier Hernandez has got everything covered at Old Trafford.

"Boomer Sooner" was more original than the obligatory, "Freedom!" that all the other death row inmates have been screeching since Braveheart took the Oscar nod.

Some Baltimore nuns are auctioning off a rare Honus Wagner card, and they're shocked that such a little useless thing could be worth so much money."

Sadly, these mad skillz are as worthless as my mass communication degree.

@J-No: Keep it simple and just stick with the clips from the Cookie Monster aka Mulligan show in the morning.

Accounts have reportedly been uncovered which show €600,000 was paid to security firm Intelligence Bureau to carry out a number of tasks ...

There's no way to rub dirt on a spinal cord injury.

@Andy Kohnen: At one time they were quite good ... at least at the Space Sims. X-Wing and Tie Fighter were incredible games.

"Ball four! Strike Three!"

And a river runs through it ...

"We want to talk to you, Wayne. We want you to explain the real reason you want to leave. We're not going to hurt you."

"Halladay turned into a sports movie cliche before a national TV audience ..."

If history has taught us anything, the last Red Out resulted in gifting tax free Reservations to people.

Once a lemming always a lemming ...

Did anyone else see the kid swing a milk crate at that guys head at 00:20?