
@Weed Against Speed: It has since mutated after the Sox played the Cubs. Harrelson has decided add the word Hell to it, giving the viewership an odd "Hell Yes!" A phrase I have typically only used during trips to the dermatologist and successful adventures in the premarital sex department.

When did Simon Phoenix start playing for the Bengals?

His next project will be titled, "Watching The 2009 Washington Nationals: I'd rather have cancer"

@CharlesBronsonPinchot: He must not be using color guard. His tops just don't match the bottoms anymore.

Note to self: Don't date crazy.

He couldn't possibly be as bad as the Jamaican's.

Doubt he will have to bring the old ball and chain with him this time.

I can't tell which is more surly. The live action Bonds or the read it on the monitor Bonds.

@Fawn Liebowitz: fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

I know I should temper my expectations but I think the White Sox could win the division ... and then shit the bed in the playoffs.

@EddieCurrysTowels: I very much like this post. Here's a heart. Good work Link.

@RootingForTheMeteor: Let's not forget "Discharging Your Weapon in the Dominican" with Juan Uribe.

I was listening to this on the way home and sweet black Jesus do I ever think Paul Edinger is in some serious financial trouble.

Bradley left the field in street clothes ... after Pinella asked him for deep discounts on Battleship, Connect Four, and The Game of Life.