Noone gives a shit about Gizmodo.
Noone gives a shit about Gizmodo.
Anything with an LS engine is legendarily reliable. That’s why every upstart supercar company uses an LS engine.
Not really. All the other companies have no problem releasing new models.
btw not a hater, just an owner.
Did they bring a blown head gasket too?
I’ll take that one step further and state the Mazdaspeed MP3 is criminally underrated.
Pretty simple: so they can fire all the drivers and keep that cash to themselves.
Ford Contour -SVT
That red one in the last shot looks like a CX-5
I’m interested in the Chevy Volt with an M54B30, though.
one lives around the corner from my house. Coexist bumper sticker and all.
Probably, but not within the mile-long run?
You mean build a kit and register it with a factory VIN. THATS where the value is. $6500 for the factory VIN is probably a good deal.
Ugh, this is not a project. It’s a modified vehicle that is complete. Project cars are those ones you see in five billion pieces on craigslist that are asking way too much. That being said, this is still CP.
Call it a
Cadillac if you mustRiviera.
I have to ask, at what point would this be a CP for you?
I think it won based on the “under $4k and interesting is an automatic NP” rule. Mot much else makes sense to me.