
I don’t think this particular story is a commentary on the visa, as much as the player. He deserves whatever shame comes his way.

There is nothing sinister about him picking “the white guy”over Adam Jones. The comparison was between Bautista and Trumbo because those were two of the options the orioles were pondering during free agency this off season. There’s no question that Adam Jones is the team leader.

Here’s a question to ponder: Why did Duquette decide to use Mark Trumbo, a guy who has so far played exactly one season in Baltimore, as an exemplar of the Orioles’ working-class values rather than, say, Adam Jones, an excellent player who has been the beating heart of the Orioles for many years now?

I submit that it’s a bad idea to look down on people because you think they did something you dislike and your only evidence is their race, gender, and home state.

Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.

So where’s the plagiarism aside from the five words “back to you... the people”?

Team couldn’t talk him out of it.

Yes, it is quite common in all business ventures to allow your top talent to leave without making any attempt to keep them on board.

Orr held a press conference today with the team, which announced his retirement with a stupid emoji

Actually, $12.5 million is right in line for a free agent to produce 1.6 WAR, when the accepted baseline according to most statheads is $8 million per 1.0 WAR for UFAs.

Ah, so don’t fast. Got it.

Counterpoint: Stop adding the “Man-” prefix to everything you don’t like. You’re doing nothing but making a gender issue out of something that has nothing to do with gender. Your examples of “Manthreading” (ugh) aren’t even directed at or about women. They’re just people breaking up their lengthier thoughts on

This is the author’s twitter page. No joke.

Here’s where I know my liberal brothers are frustrated:

Why not take ownership for your fuck-up instead of the coward’s edit. We all know you thought LaFell was still on the Patriots.

That 3% battery charge bothers me more than anything mentioned in the article.

He’s a good teen

Can she though, if there’s no one to acknowledge his paternity? If so, couldn’t she just as easily grab a random orphan child and declare him a Baratheon? Or a Targaryen, or a Stark, for that matter?

What’s the story behind Anker? They seem to have come out of nowhere with some great products. Would be interesting to see Gizmodo do an in-depth about the company.

What’s the story behind Anker? They seem to have come out of nowhere with some great products. Would be interesting

I bet Flacco goes nuts when he sees this. Dude might even burn through a whole sleeve of saltines tonight.