
This one stood out to me too. Tyrion’s trial, plus the golden crown, plus Ned’s realization of Joffrey’s parentage. Lot of good shit in that episode. No clue why it’s ranked so low.

His/her comment could not possibly have been more clear. $15K to Brown is the equivalent of what $100 is to someone who makes $100K. Do you need a diagram?

I came here to say this too. I’m assuming that’s a nod to his world record time, right? (9.58) If so, that’s awesome.

Your quote from The Wire is a little wonky. The last line from Burrell should actually be the first line from Daniels.

This was a called strike three.

This is nitpicking, but McLouth wasn’t on the Tigers in 2013. He was on the Orioles (as were Strop and Casilla). The O’s were presumably playing in Detroit that day which is why it was featured on a Tigers channel/broadcast.

I found out recently that people from Philly don’t call the game where you whisper into someone’s ear “Telephone,” they call it “Whisper Down the Lane”. As if we needed more reasons to hate Philly.

I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’m white and was pulled over last year because an officer ran my tag at a red light and it didn’t come up in the system. One of the zeros in the license plate number was in the system as the letter O instead, and we figured it out when it looked different from the other zero on

They’re actually still overperforming this year. The difference this time is that their run differential is atrocious, instead of middling. They’re 40-45, but the run differential is so bad that their Pythagorean (“expected”) record is 35-51. Their -88 run differential is ahead of only San Francisco, San Diego, and

I was in Vegas in March and gear with their logo was being sold basically everywhere.

“I have no data to support my opinion, but the data you used to support yours is slightly flawed, so my opinion is correct”

Makes sense. “After a replay review, Kimbrel was awarded the strikeout” was a little confusing (and still is).

To be fair, the ball hitting the batter is one of those exceptions.

You’re absolutely right and that’s the only situation where this call is generally made. Anything resembling turning or getting out of the way is ALWAYS given the benefit of the doubt. In general you basically have to sit there and take a 70 MPH curveball to the leg without flinching for an umpire to make that call.

Exactly. If the ball hits the batter on a swinging strike three, it’s a dead ball and he does not have the opportunity to take first. That’s why I’m confused about what actually happened here...I’m guessing the review was “inconclusive” and they did not rule that it hit his foot? It seems pretty clear from the gif,

Pointless fun fact: Rawley (real name Dean Muhtadi) played college football at Maryland and was in the same graduating class as Gronk’s brother Dan, who was a TE at Maryland. Might be why Gronk ended up “teaming up” with Rawley specifically.

Agreed. I’m not sure people are arguing otherwise on this one.

Let me guess...you stopped watching 10+ years ago. What you said may have been true then, but it sure as hell isn’t true now.

It’s absolutely pandering. You’re right though, Baltimore is a city that largely thinks of itself that way, so the pandering works. I don’t really see the harm in it.

Essentially, yeah. Bautista probably would’ve played more OF in this hypothetical than Trumbo will (because he’s a better fielder than Kim or Seth Smith, one of whom would have probably seen some time at DH, while Trumbo isn’t), but they would’ve basically filled the same role on the team.