But what sticker did he choose to say it with?
But what sticker did he choose to say it with?
Should have taken the Boston job. I wonder where Theo Epstein would be right now.
And end up with 27 pairs of glasses in my eyes? No thanks!
And now, the man who was fired as the GM of the Carolina Panthers for some reason, David Gettleman!
It’s easily as good as the best soy latte that I’ve ever had.
Sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti!
Is Banners Without Brotherhood related to Borders Without Doctors?
Is a story about someone’s tweet a good story idea or just a desperation move on slow days?
I can’t wait until they discuss this on PTI. The “get off my lawn” takes will be scalding!
I played Overwatch once or twice — one or two matches. (What a waste of money!)
“He took off from outside the free-throw line...”
Given his first name, I was going to guess “hot takes.”
“Tough titty,” said the kitty.
What outcome is most likely to lead to a re-match? That is what will likely happen.
Reminds me of doubles badminton. No ‘cocks though.
Don’t read the comments in the linked story. Jeeeeezuz.
You’re graycist!
I like hot dogs!
Hey, the line worked for Ivan Drago.
I have always thought that elective mode seemed like a cheat. Did they balance the skills a certain way? I don’t play Diablo 3 nearly as obsessively as I played Diablo 2, but does the community think of elective mode as the “right” way to play?