Mike S

I don’t doubt what you say, but it really doesn’t explain the apartment complex. No employee of such an organization should ever be allowed to take bags home. Period. And you can’t have you’re employee’s sending texts with things like ‘Imma’ in them either. Really bad look there.

They had a story and script. They had to redo those.  They had to have a lot done to get it out when they did. Once of the things they complain about causing problems (which didn’t IMO) was 2 years between movies citing 3 for the OT. The digital age makes them able to do things much faster, but they weren’t starting

Why does it need to be dethroned? Are they charging an arm and leg for access?

The prequels weren’t that good, but there was a lot there to work with. The clone wars did some fantastic things with it. The final 4 episode arc puts E3 to shame.

It can’t escape TLJ. They went from unexpectedly defending tons of criticism to not advertising Solo because they didn’t want to step on the home release of TLJ to having to massively redo TRoS because of Carries death and bad feedback from TLJ.

So, you’d seriously consider killing a family member over a possible vision of future and turn your back on your friends and family over frustration with the world at large and not frustration at them?

No one expected the action hero. Before disney Mark Hamill said he’d spoken to George about a possible ST and was told he’d be a yoda type character - giving wisdom/advice, etc. Not being a warrior. That’s all that was needed.

Say what you will but he never turned his back on his friends and family. Not until TLJ that is.

There’s nothing wrong with exploring new avenues and trying to widen the scope. I don’t get bothered by Canto Bight. I like broom boy as a clear ‘the force can work through anyone.’.

Well, Penguin, Batman, and Joker aren’t connected to the the DCEU that they’re referencing. It’s easy to kill snyder stuff but not those as they’re just aren’t connected at all. Flash? well, it’s flashpoint so easily done as well and if Momoa is in that, that would allow him through in theory.

Meanwhile, someone asking a US congressman about this:

The RDJ end credit thing was added after the fact once it was clear Iron Man was a success as I recall it.

After Avengers blew out the box office, the head of DC at the time was immediately quoted as saying ‘we have to cash in on this now’....that was all they cared about which is why they failed.

It’s funny. Orgs like the NFL complain their games are too long and want to cut them down, but what has stretch them out are TV timeouts for commercials and now they even work them in between plays. Announcers are becoming more like a sports radio show where they stop and read ads every few minutes AFTER they just got

Like hockey who uses TV and FX tech to replace the arena sold adds on the boards with CGI ads for the viewer - and basketball and hockey who use it to place adds on the ice/court, etc. It’s obnoxiously annoying and sometimes done very poorly, but it is what it is at this point.

As I recall, they cut off Russia from the service, so yeah, it had an effect. They lost all the russians subs because they pulled the plug themselves I believe.

You’ll find theatrical releases streaming day of or day after release in the darker sections of the web....and in good quality too.

Impossible to say because everyone who streams it would NOT have seen it in a theater otherwise. It’s the same BS they pull with piracy. Every non theater watch does not equate to a ticket bought if you eliminate the other option. It simply doesn’t.

It was planned that it COULD be a universe. If Iron Man wasn’t good it was all for naught. They knew they weren’t as well known and popular as the DC characters and made good movies with good characters and good stories that stayed true to the source material. DC fails on all segments of that.

BvS was 900M and that was a decade or so ago when it was harder number to achieve. They spent like 250 on the movie and 200 on advertising....theater gets half the ticket sales, so 900 to break even.