Cbo Ballgames

Yup, that’s all just about right. I’m still not sure how retrofitting legacy A/C will prove to be cheaper than new builds in the long run.

Instead of new builds, they’re really just hoping to be able to extend the service lives of a shitload of legacy -C’s and -E’s. It’s looking good for the E’s, but the C airframes aren’t doing quite so well.

I would be.

What do you really know about St. Louis, besides what has been fed to you? Anything?

Not really a dump, but dark and boring. Anesthetic, even. Just not a great building to watch football in, from an excitement standpoint.

Or bang supermodels. From what I understand, Leo bangs a lot of supermodels.

Who the fuck only takes 15 minute shits? Are you part rabbit?

This guy has a few words for you, you fuzzy little manpeach.

I am fully versed in the world of Mr. Calavera, I just didn’t see him in the avatar. YancyMildas might be my new favorite person, with you a close second. One of my favorite games of all time.

Where was this? I want to see this.