
Yeah my mind was blown when I heard there was a XIII-2. I'm not super into FF but it sure confused the hell out of me. It's like the inception of video games series. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a XIII-2.2 Part 3 V4. It's like, wait, what?

Cool, I'm still keeping my eye on it because it's probably worth playing. And yeah, I can't think of any other game out there on PS3 that ran so terribly. Maybe Bioshock 2, haha.

Oh wow, really? I have a 1GB 6870 and I can play Crysis at Med/High but it still looks and runs better than most other games on Ultra. Tomb Raider also ran fantastic on high minus some of the more CPU intensive processes. I can't imagine Far Cry being THAT bad but I can imagine it's pretty rough on the GPU.

Yeah I've heard that the 3rd builds upon the 2nd in terms of gameplay. Because I actually played quite a bit of FC2 and didn't finish it simply because I got really tired of getting chased by jeeps all the time. If it goes on sale for under $20 I'll probably grab it... I did get Blood Dragon but I haven't tried it yet.

Bought Far Cry 3 for $20 for PS3 new and I laughed at the 10 frames per second for the first few minutes. Yeah, I sold that and got my $20 back. But now that I have a taste of it, I'm debating whether I want to get it on PC. I was honestly so bored of Far Cry 2 and how repetitive it was I'm worried FC3 will be more of

Yeah I did that least year on the sales and was too impatient to wait then regretted buying it full price. Generally speaking, if it's not an immediate must have right now this second kind of game, I'll wait until the sales and only purchase 60% off or more.

Holy crap, some of you guys have a ton of games. And I thought I had a lot of games.

I think I enjoy Steam sales because it gives me the chance to buy games I'm not sure if I'd enjoy (And to hell with pirating).

I think you misunderstood my point, it's not a matter of looking harder, I'm well aware of the games available. I didn't care much for the first party titles that have been rehashed again and again. I'm well aware of the good rated games that are available.

Played Madworld which was cool. I don't remember a Resident

I guess I didn't realize the frequency of the releases. But at the same time, it depends on how much replay value they expect in their games. I don't know about you but I think I'd rather have 3 good God of War games (As an example, I'm not saying they're good) than 1 decent Mario Kart that I'll play for a month until

Yeah I know what you mean. I guess I'm just bummed when companies do that. I mean, Infinity Ward makes a great CoD but I bet they could make another pretty damn awesome game. Nintendo has the ability to create awesome new IPs but there hasn't been a single thing that has interested me, that's all.

Yeah but all of those first party titles you are mentioning are NEW and those systems have a substantial amount of great 3rd party content. Mario has been around since 1981. That's about 30 years of Mario. Sure, you can say the same thing about tons of other franchises, even in film, comic books, etc that have been

It's nuts, I talked to a guy who does films for other countries like Vietnam and China and their government actually has to approve the content of the film before allowing it to be screened. Blows my mind because I never knew such a thing existed. Now I feel like a spoiled 'murican.

Video doesn't look bad at all. That's a crap ton of special effects and you know they didn't have a huge budget but still pulled it off. I think there's a slight cheese factor but it looks like they hit what they were going for. I think I'm going to try the open beta! Been hearing about this game for quite a while.

I knew I recognized her. She did well in Nuka Break but this character seems a bit odd for her.

I'm sorry guys but even I grew up playing the NES and 64 but I don't understand how Nintendo can still be a company churning out practically the same games every year. It doesn't interest me one bit. I got a Wii as a christmas gift when it first came out and I bought like one game for it. I'd love to see some new

This game would be super fun with friends. I'm the only one out of my friends that bought it though and I got bored of it... But I love the world/setting. So awesome!

Success doesn't come to everyone in their 20's. I work in the entertainment industry and it sure is a ball buster. I work part time as a delivery driver. Do I like my job? Not particularly. Does it pay the bills? Yup. I work 70 hours a week sometimes when going between entertainment and my part-time job. But over the


I'm a sucker for big cinematics and sci-fi in general. The game looks like it could be worth a shot but my god the AI right now looks like it's from a 2000 game. I love classic shooters too...