
I understand people’s reticence to this, especially if you belong to the cultures this particular fantasy-inspired campaign exists in, but if your example boils down to them wearing some costumes in a silly promo piece that explorers used to wear, then that’s... not a lot.

Justice Clarence Thomas... That’s why we need to be very careful with our claims and demands for representation: a black snake is as bad as a white snake - in some circumstances like the Supreme Court, the black snake can be more deadly.

but but they are getting **exposure**

Five years is the absolute most we’ve seen for any of the 1/6 insurrectionists, so far.

When *none* of the adults got on the train with her to the city, and she just texted her dad who she had been rapidly withdrawing from and he was like “lol ok smell ya later” I just couldn’t stay engaged.

It’s a problem with the movie because the online aspect has no real stakes: her identity comes out and...what, she becomes a regular idol instead of an internet one? She has to make a new account somewhere else where she can sing again? Oh no.

It was a pretty film, great VA on dub and JP and a really nice soundtrack.

Yeah, the main issue here is that Nintendo doesn’t provide an alternative. I would be happy to pay $5 or $10 for a classic soundtrack, but Nintendo seems content to refuse to let anyone preserve their audio history. Sadly, this is predictable coming from a company that has little concern for preservation generally.

There is nothing sadder to me than unplayed-with toys.

My roommate asked me when I thought unvaccinated people (that is, people who could get vaccinated and simply chose not to) could return to cons, like when there will be a place for them. I said, without missing a beat, never. Fuck ‘em. I mean certainly not as long as people are in hospitals sick and dying.

Couldn’t have happened to a better person.

The younger generation is changing and the older generation didn’t keep up. This older generation is playing an old outdated game in a new modern world and they don’t like that it calls them out. 

If you can’t make a joke without punching down on somebody, maybe you don’t need to be in “comedy.” 

Nah that would violate their freedoms or something. Police brutality in NYC about to spike. Keep your cameras ready.

The cop thinks the solution to everything is more cops. This shit is so dumb you couldn’t even make it up. 

Every cop they pay to do this could be a social worker instead.

I just want hospitals to deny treatment to anyone that refused a vaccine.  Don’t want the prevention, you can’t have the cure.

“The day I came onto the set of Grey’s Anatomy was the greatest moment in your life. For me, it was just Tuesday” - Denzel Bison.

Motherfuckers, it’s too soon, we can’t get a recast but we can with the multiverse so it can be a new character and can replace him from another universe in a story manner rather than a shoehorn IM2 with Don Cheadle, Boseman is iconic and his character is revered, so we need to put the story and character forefront

The seeming distaste with which Square-Enix’s president speaks about gamers who play to have fun really explains a lot about most of their recent output.

Maybe it’s just me, but I read “play to have fun” as “PlAy To HaVe FuN.” It’s nice to know what the heads of these companies think of the people who keep them swimming in cash.

Fuck off.