This Gladiator remake is really something.
This Gladiator remake is really something.
Snyder fans have already declared Rebel Moon the greatest movie ever and are demanding a director’s cut.
I chuckled at this from the THR piece:
I actually really despise how the gaming community treats release dates, and a particular segment of the gaming community has all hell break loose anytime dates are missed or there are constantly delays.
Hunter Biden’s laptop.
I’m sure the finger wagging they received was absolutely vicious. And they were probably told multiple times not to film that stuff ever again.
And Chappelle IMMEDIATELY blames it on trans people.
He was really canceled. I mean damn it’s a shame how he was canceled and has no platform and no one even can see his shows anymore. Poor guy... That cancelations was brutal
Goddamn Republicans!
I maintain that the least believable thing about Star Trek: The Next Generation is the idea that Georgi (LeVar Burton) was awkward and bad with women. The audacity. This man is all charm and goodness.
$44 billion?
When I first saw a story about this they used Trevor as the picture and I was bummed because I was like the point of Trevor was that he was a huge piece of shit in every way shape or form. But I guess somehow Trevor wasnt transphobic oddly enough and these changes make perfect sense (they were cheapshots)
Cue the wave of cis people whining about this like it actually affects them. As is the usual, the conversation won’t actually be lead by trans folk, but people who don’t have a horse in the race arguing what’s best for people they know nothing about.
The Bloomberg report states that Sega is looking at the Fortnite business model for both titles, aiming to “develop recurring revenue sources and build online communities”. Note here that Sega is on record previously as saying the “Super Game” project is a place the company may experiment with NFTs.
I have mixed feelings - he messed up, to say the least; it’s not the worst thing that’s ever happened; people turned on him just like *that* without asking “this dude is usually cool - what made him snap like that?” Kanye gets more support that Will does and I just don’t get the straight up hate he’s been receiving. …
“Well, since the fire is out in the kitchen, the rest of the burning house should be fine now. Everyone can head back inside now.” — America’s Covid-19 response plan.
That Red Table needs to be thrown in a fire. It’s people who act like therapists who aren’t actually educated therapists.
Much like La La Land, if there’s anything Hollywood loves, it’s Hollywood. Never has there been a greater chance for Hollywood to go on TV and tell the world about how they feel.