Encouraging scientifically-backed vaccination: not my job. Spreading baseless doubt about the seriousness of COVID-19: definitely my job. - King James
Encouraging scientifically-backed vaccination: not my job. Spreading baseless doubt about the seriousness of COVID-19: definitely my job. - King James
The idea that people have “forgot” about the flu, about cancers, about whatever the fuck happens to be killing people at any particular moment, is utter bullshit. Covid is happening at the same time as all those other things and is something, through vaccination and safe behaviors, that individual human beings can…
This is an “American Psycho” remake, isn’t it?
Diddy really?
I’m just going to say what we’re all thinking.
LOL. Shittenhouse said he supported BLM in a pathetic attempt to not look like a racist vigilante, and now the people idolising him for being a racist vigilante are in a tough spot. Some of them want to quietly ignore his pro-BLM stance because they know it’s bullshit, but then there’s the real idiots like Elad Eliahu…
They thought I was just making a mockery of the sport.
Or, you know, you could start following the myriad of recommendation and policies that have been implemented at other events for decades instead of ignoring them and specifically telling concert goers to subvert the safety measures that are in place. How about you start there?
Is it possible for me to just shoe horn that I think Funko toys are kind of the worst? Or is this a “let people have fun” moment?
I spam that maneuver out work with every cordless power tool in the shop, every time I change out one of those battery packs. Yes, even the worksite bluetooth radio.
Didn’t the late, great Paul Mooney have an entire bit on this like 20 years ago? He’d list all the supposed “anti-white” “slurs” like “cracker”, “honky”, “white trash”, etc., and note that white people had never cared at all about being called any of them, and concluded that the appropriate derogatory term for whites…
So the snowflakes need a safe space?
Surprised the screens ever got approved to begin with given they just scream “giant fucking distraction” whatever they’re set to.
So, schools are all about “we can punish you for breaking our code when you are off campus since you have no rights” (see the kid who had a toy gun on his desk at home during a school Zoom class) but ALSO “well, we’re exploring punishment” ... when it suits them? That seems kinda fucked up. (To put it mildly).
I’m so sick of that ignorant bobblehead Boebert. It doesn’t say much for the people of Colorado that they elected the uneducated bumpkin to represent them.
Oregon’s a trippy place. Definitely not as liberal and open-minded as people imagine it to be.
In my day, wypipo using racial slurs got their asses kicked. That’s what they need these days.
significantly less tolerance for people with differing “political views”