
-When’s the last time someone turned heel and then back babyface as quickly as John Walker? I spent all season comparing him to Kurt Angle, and it turns out he’s more Eddie Guerrero. I think we all knew what his fate would be by season’s end, but I can’t wait for him as an unhinged anti-hero as US Agent.

“Delta and Coca-Cola and Major League Baseball need to realize that about half of the country is Republican...”

Republicans: “It is APPALLING the way that Rep. Maxine Waters spoke of these events! She seems to be completely oblivious to the importance of decorum in these lofty offices.

Or him, for that matter!

It’s been so long... and so long since I’ve even played the game.

My former Friendly Local Game Store (I’ve since moved) used to hold monthly tournaments. Winners take on other winners and so on. And twelve years ago, just as the H1N1/Swine Flu pandemic was starting to dominate the news, that Friday, when things were just feeling a little touch and go, was the next monthly

He also said that Rep. Maxine Waters’ comments could lead the way to an appeal.

I remember Today’s Special. I was a bit old for it, but I enjoyed it.

For real. Glad I’m not the old time Sesame Street fan here :)

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: You need to see the GOP in an IMAX theater in order to really appreciate their racism.

I’m gonna have to get a pull list for the first time in decades for this. Because, dammit, this needs all the love.

“This is a nightmare!”

“This is a nightmare!”

They’ve gone from this being one part of their platform of Hellmann’s mayonnaise for everyone to being all they have. If they let this be, they’ll all have to start saying the quiet part out loud and they know that won’t play with the advertisers.

Them: Why are you always talking about the past? Get over it.

Cahill did say he wished the city hadn’t announced the $27 million settlement while jury selection in Chauvin’s trial is underway but added that he doesn’t sense “any evil intent in the timing.”

“Can’t you take a joke?”

“First, they outlaw Dr. Seuss and now they want to tell us what to say.”

So she wants to see other governors asked about... what? Her shitty decision making? Her state’s Covid numbers?

Awful Christian of him.