I had to turn some of that into a ringtone for her phone. Nothing like hearing Gilbert shriek: “BUT I WOULD BE PROUD TO CLAIM YOUR ANUS!” randomly...
I had to turn some of that into a ringtone for her phone. Nothing like hearing Gilbert shriek: “BUT I WOULD BE PROUD TO CLAIM YOUR ANUS!” randomly...
I finished Outer Worlds the other day and, nah. I wanted to be the chaotic neutral badass who just wanders in and out like a Clint Eastwood character but I couldn’t do it. Hell, I genuinely felt uncomfortable even seeing the calloused dialogue options. Why wouldn’t you want to help Parvati? Why wouldn’t you want to…
And of COURSE this jackass is someone watching the protests and thinking that they wouldn’t be getting into so much shit if they just followed the rules.
Guilfoyle’s speech.... you could just tell it was written for a room full of sycophants ready to roar at her ever word and she couldn’t be arsed to write a new one for the new set up. Especially after staying up all night, translating it from the original German!
I’ll believe it when I’m holding 2021 #1 of Icon, Hardware and Blood Syndicate
I really felt that when AOC called out whatisname for calling her a fucking bitch. I am sincerely glad she did it, I’m glad that he was held at least a little bit to account but...
Can’t wait for Trump to rail against cancel culture again.
“The GOP is not a racist party... although we are throwing a racist party for Lindsay Graham’s birthday. Everyone wear your most festive white robes!”
*laugh* Take your damn star. Take all of ‘em.
Out of curiosity, where does aioli fall on the burnsauce scale? Too much or not enough?
Because they need proof that everything’s “fine”! And it’s “fine” if things kind of, sort of look “normal” if you don’t look to hard.
The protesters weren’t blocking the cops or the EMTs. In fact they were desperate for the EMTs to come and pick up the shooting victim before finally just driving him to Harborview in one of their own vehicles.
First, Mulaney’s Ice-T routine is about a character trait. Not a person, not a race and at no point will anyone legitimately think his “impression” was any good. Apu, the character, was created because the writer’s room thought that Indian workers at convenience stores were funny. That’s it. Dana Gould copped to that…
I think that’s mandatory at this point. And I was going to say that it should be reserved for Finn impressions, but I’m giggling too much at the thought of John Mulaney singing “Cop Killer”....
I’d be slightly (SLIGHTLY!) less bothered by conservative demands for equal time in creative arenas if their efforts weren’t uniformly underwhelming at best or amateurish at worst.
If he’d been more involved, it might have been more like the film of Phantom of the Opera, which..... ew.
I hope he gets better.... after four months of decline, muscle deterioration, heart failures, loss of mental faculties (although how could you tell?), maybe a lung transplant?
Hell, Rep. Dan Crenshaw says that antifa is a thing, they have uniforms and you can call them Anarcho-Fascist Communists. Because word salad!
[Oh please, let me out of the greys?]