I got my first new computer in eight or so years just at the start of lockdown and I’m just catching up with a Steam wishlist from hell! Children of Morta, Civ6, a bunch of Lego Marvel games, the Doom remake and it’s been SO much fun!
I got my first new computer in eight or so years just at the start of lockdown and I’m just catching up with a Steam wishlist from hell! Children of Morta, Civ6, a bunch of Lego Marvel games, the Doom remake and it’s been SO much fun!
Also any kind of art/gallery show... “Through their work the artist is trying to elaborate on a kind of jejune archetypal...”
Doug Stanhope has this great (and raunchy, because he’s Doug Stanhope) bit where he’s talking about football games and the NFL. And the audience laughs at the idea, a bit of a group “seriously?” And then the good part starts where he calls them out:
Or mi madrina. I have an extended Latinx “godfamily” (long story), but my godmother could go from laughing and loving to “what?” in the space of a heartbeat. Worse, her daughters picked it up from her so even when they use it as a joke, I can’t pretend I don’t flinch a little. :)
“Hello class. Your regular teacher, Mrs. Parsons, won’t be teaching you this year because she has more sense than a meth-addicted manatee on Dance With The Stars, so we’re happy to introduce your new substitute teacher, Governor Parsons! Mr. Governor...? Sir? Weird, he was... he was just here.”
“Class, your regular first grade teacher can’t join us this year because she has more sense than God gave a dyslexic deer tick. So instead, your new teacher is Governor Parson! Mr. Governor, sir? Where...? He was just here!”
When I first saw this story on Facebook, I went to Google it for confirmation. Looked up “naked yoga Portland” and saw nothing about her, just all the Yelp lists and reviews for places to do yoga naked in Portland.
She’s got Stone Cold Teacher/Librarian look. She doesn’t need to point, she just.... looks.
“At this point, Kanye isn’t the problem. He’s a known problematic quantity, and anyone who cares about productive Black discourse should be shutting down the minute he enters a conversation. The Kanye problem for Black folks isn’t him. It’s the people who try to explain how he’s doing anything remotely productive.
That’s actually been making the rounds amongst my friends who are more connected to what’s going on down in Portland. Strangers in camo with guns and no ID? And no accountability? What could possibly go wrong?
I have a very real nostalgia for the radio stations/soundtracks for the old Out Run arcade game. There wasn’t much to them, but I appreciated them. Kind of like the playlists on Crazy Taxi.
Thank you kindly :) <3
Preach! And I’m so glad that Watsky did it on the Hamilton Mixtape. As a fan of the musical 1776, this makes me laugh SO goddam hard.
I saw clipping. on their last tour and holy hell I don’t know how he does it. I mean, I kind of stand in awe of rappers in general for the suite of talents they bring, but he’s something else!
That’s the one. My thoughts were along the line of “How DARE you say.... actually..... yeah...”
Having seen the movie, I’ve gone from “Well yeah, sure Renee, Leslie and Daveed won Tony Awards” to “(all the way from London?) DAMN!”.
I’ve been out of work for five years and I’m 45. Even before the pandemic, the odds were stacked against me. Now?
“NO! BAD KAREN!” *spray spray*