
So my girlfriend and I were running errands this weekend, doing the curbside pickup at a couple shops. One shop is adjacent to a cafe with patio seating, which... ok fine. I’ve got my mask on even if they don’t (because they’re drinking coffee and... oy) and this is going to be quick.

“Officer... COON! Could this just not get any better?”

Except jail requires more infrastructure and it’s kind of disingenuous to say we need defund the police and re-examine the extreme punishments for relatively minor offenses like possession of marijuana but ALSO we need to increase give the police more responsibilities and make an even more minor offense punishable by

Reminds me of Bill Hicks’ routine about the Rodney King trial:

The fact that they’re talking about saving a bullet for themselves really says it all, clutching to the hero’s narrative like a life preserver. Just, no! The cops were instigating pretty much every bit of violence during the uprisings and since then have only demonstrated what kind of thugs they actually are.

The stocks? The scarlet letter? Wasn’t there a police department somewhere that had people who were guilty of ongoing minor offenses to stand in the downtown or the mall with a sign saying what they’d done like those shamed dog memes?

One of the women who called out Warren Ellis for being a sleazy creep said on her now deleted Twitter account that she wasn’t talking about to cancel Ellis or destroy his family or career. The goal wasn’t revenge, it was that she wanted to see him do the work of acknowledging what he did and correcting for it in the

It’s part of the “past exonerative tense” used to not only prevent any libel suits, but also to maintain the status quo as much as possible.

And in the same threads are the people decrying protesters for being inconvenient because, y’know, they should just write a letter. I saved this one, typos and all:

That’s a good start.

Trump shouldn’t worry, he’ll get his monument. It’ll be the first Federally Protected Urinal in history.

So early in the lockdown, I bought a second hand Dropmix system and a bunch of the cards for super cheap on the Hasbro eBay. I had gotten a demo at PAX West but never had the resources to buy it new so...

Based on her actions, her apology would be more along the lines of “I’m sorry if you were hurt by my car bumping into you because that was never my intention.”

With the knowledge that even if Fisher had an annotated diary with receipts and video logs of Whedon being however monstrous he was, there’d be a defense that we don’t know how HARD it is to try to direct a film like this and Whedon probably had a bad day and what you need to understand is...

I’ve seen a bunch of people post screen shots from Brooklyn Nine Nine as evidence of a good display of police officers and... not really? Great fantasies, uplifting to be sure but holy hell, that stuff was idealistic as anything else, just from a different political perspective.

The last big Lego set I got was the modular book shop that came out February and it was a delight to build. I’ve bought some smaller ones since, but nothing really special. What I’m really into are the minifigs, because I use them to make comic strips and greeting cards that I sell online. I admit I’ve been hitting

So apparently the quote is actually by Charles Darrow, lawyer from the Scopes Monkey Trial and not Mark Twain, but I stand by it...

“Can’t they even take a joke? We were just pranking them with our two ton death machine.”
And the reason you took one of their bikes?
“Well they probably stole them, because they’re so...”
No further questions, your honor...

Did they post a black square on social media when everyone else did? That could be a free spot in the middle of the board.

It’s uncanny how fast conservatives will pivot from “Facts don’t care about your feelings!” and “Can’t you take a joke??”